
How Can I Tell If My Dog Is a Pit Bull?

March 28, 2008

Is my dog a full Pit Bull or a Pit Bull mix?



January 10, 20114 found this helpful
Best Answer

He looks just like my chopper only in this pic chopper was only 1 month old. Chopper is a American Pitbull/Boxer Mix. Looks like that is what your dog is. Don't listen to what everyone says about them they are a great breed and very loyal to the owners.

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February 2, 2020

Is my dog a apbt?

Is My Dog a Pit Bull? - gray and white dog
Is My Dog a Pit Bull?


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
February 2, 20200 found this helpful
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The dog has the looks and characters of a pit bull. However, to know if it is a purebred or not you need the parent's papers from the breeder.


If you do not have these papers it is so hard to say if the pit pull is mixed or not.


Gold Answer Medal for All Time! 617 Answers
February 3, 20201 found this helpful
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I have seen dogs that look just like this come from a breeder that is 100% certified to have pit bulls. Not to say that yours is but to me it's a great sign.

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September 2, 2017

Without my knowledge, my teen daughter bought a puppy. She has pictures of the mom and dad and they both look like pit bulls to me, but I really do not know much about the breed. She is 15 weeks now and approximately 18 lbs. and woke up with one ear standing up today! How Can I Tell if My Puppy is a Pit Bull?


Our vet thinks there is no reason for a DNA test because in her opinion she's a full blooded Pit.

I love her to death and she is the sweetest thing, but she is a handful. I guess my concern is with training her properly and what not. I think her breed type would come in handy since she is already bit challenging.

How Can I Tell if My Puppy is a Pit Bull?
How Can I Tell if My Puppy is a Pit Bull?
How Can I Tell if My Puppy is a Pit Bull?
How Can I Tell if My Puppy is a Pit Bull?


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
September 2, 20172 found this helpful

When a dog is small it goes through a lot of changes. Your dog can change in so many ways as he grows up. If you are interested in finding out the breed of your dog here is what you can do:


Step 1
Make an appointment with your local vet. While at the vet's make sure you have your puppy vaccinated. This is the most important step to a happy life for your puppy. Parvo is a deadly sickness and it affects so many puppies.

Step 2
Ask your vet to perform a DNA test on your puppy. He can give you an answer as to the breed or mixed breeds of your dog.

Step 3
If the test is too expensive you can find a home DNA test on Amazon. Order the test and perform the test at home. This is how you can find out the breed of your dog.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
September 2, 20171 found this helpful

Many people are curious if their dogs are pure breed or not. The test is expensive and I think it isn't necessary. I guess if you are a breeder then it would be necessary to find out if the dog was pure breed or mixed.


If she is your home pet, love her and give her plenty of places to run. Larger dogs love to run.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
September 4, 20171 found this helpful

Looks like a bit of a mix (my best friend here is an expert) but I would try an at-home DNA test kit :)


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
September 9, 20172 found this helpful

As puppies grow they change quickly both in appearance and attitude/behavior. A vet can usually tell more about a breed than the average person but they cannot tell for sure about a pure bred versus a mix. Perhaps the vet was talking to your teen age daughter about not needing a DNA test as they are expensive and they may have figured the puppy was close enough to a pure bred that in her case it would not matter. A DNA test from a vet is usually more expensive than a home test kit.


Step 1
It seems you have fallen in love with this puppy so you must have a reason for wanting to know more about the puppy. Do you feel that your daughter paid for a pure bred and may have been misled/cheated?

Step 2
There is more discussion about this color pit than about other types so that may be part of the problem.

Step 3
I do not know if your daughter purchased her puppy from a breeder, a pet store or a private owner but I feel sure you know that anyone of those could have "manufactured" the photos of the puppies parents so that is not a good "fact" to rely on.

Step 4
If you feel that you need more than private pet owner's or even your vet's opinion then you would have to get a DNA test.

DNA test kits are getting more popular so the prices have been lowered but tests still cost between $55 - $250.00.


Test kits can be purchased from most pet stores, on-line (Amazon, eBay, etc) or from your vet.
Here is a link that explains about the test and also a link to a sample DNA test kit.

November 19, 20171 found this helpful

I keep trying to add my answer, but it disappeared. Anyway I have had 3 and I don't think your baby is mixed. Seeing her Jaws from the side view she looks like my girls, they were different colors and I now have a blue nose ;they tend to be "leggier", but I can't tell how much taller yours will be, but love the color. Be careful for sunburn especially in her pretty ears, use sunscreen! You'll definitely be able to tell if you get her around another female or... They aren't as dog friendly as they are people friendly. They are fun, energetic pets, work on obedience EARLY. When they say "bull headed" they are Talking about them. They love most kids but don't like teasing don't fetch well, they'd rather have you chase them super easy to house break because they are people pleasers so don't get too angry at them if they make a mistake, they'll actually mope and sigh. Your family is just going to have lots of fun and love and be diligent about parvo. Enjoy her shes too beautiful... Be careful about thieves. MY trainer Uncle Matty warned me to look out for them

November 19, 20172 found this helpful

I've answered it 3 times. The last v one is on Facebook to you but yes she's a pit bull and beautiful so be careful about thieves, use sunscreen on her she's the same as a white one pink!you can tell by her side view it's her Jaws that give her the distinctive pit bull face and they are lovers of people, super energetic amazing dogs, super intelligent, not friendly with other dogs of the same sex.. Especially females. Enjoy your baby!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
November 20, 20171 found this helpful

I think you should have the DNA test. Different breeds have different temperaments and this could help explain the dogs behavior.

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October 16, 2020

I was told that Hudson here was 6 weeks old and a full-blooded pit. Not so sure if he is full-blooded or if he is 6 weeks, considering he seems younger than 6 weeks.

A small brown and white puppy.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
October 16, 20201 found this helpful
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Your dog looks very young for sure. No matter what the age of the dog is around 5-6 weeks that one is sure. You need to get the dog to the vet right away and start a series of puppy shots for the dog. At this point, the vet can verify the exact age of your dog. Dogs need to really start their series of shots at this age in order to protect them against different illnesses they are prone to get. Right now it is so hard to tell if the dog is really a full-blooded pit or not because the dog is so very young. I am not sure if you have purchased the dog or were given the dog as a gift. No matter, if you did purchase the dog they should have given you some type of paper on the parents to prove the dog is full-blooded. I would ask for these papers to make sure if the dog is what they claim the dog is. Take the dog to the vet as soon as possible and start the series of shots. Here we get shots 3 times for our puppies and they are given every 2 weeks for 6 weeks. This is the most important thing you can do right now for your dog is to protect the dog immediately.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
October 17, 20200 found this helpful
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Hudson is too sweet!! I would get him in to the vet to check. 6 weeks is often considered much too young to wean so I would want a vet to check him over and if he needs supplemental milk, get that and get him on a feeding schedule.

As for his breed, hard to tell when that young! He does have a lot of lines of a Bull Terrier (like the target dog), but his snout is softer than that breed. He may be a mix.

The vet can see what we can't and can give you more.

Post back with updates on that sweet puppy face!! Wishing you many lovely ventures and adventures together!!

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February 9, 2020

I have a new dog. I have a question. Is this a Pit Bull mix or not? Because some people said this is a Pit Bull mix and some said it's not. Is My Dog a Pit Bull Mix? - brown puppy with a black muzzle


Thank you for your answer.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
February 9, 20200 found this helpful
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He does look like he has some Boxer in him. I am not sure where you bought the dog from but the breeder should supply you with papers and bloodline. If you are worried about the dog being a mix or not then contact the breeder and ask to see the papers of both parents.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
February 11, 20200 found this helpful
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I don't think your puppy looks to have any pit in it. While there may be boxer in the mix, I don't see many of those characteristics either, especially with its small feet. I would ask a vet to weigh in on their thoughts. Even without a DNA test a vet can look at various characteristics that will give clues as to what type of dog you have.

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March 5, 2018

Is this an American Pit Bull terrier?

Is My Dog an American Pit Bull -
Terrier? - brown and white dog

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November 8, 2020

Is my dog Brownie a real Pit Bull? 1 pic is when she was smaller.

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Is My Dog a Full Blooded Pit Bull?
Is My Dog a Full Blooded Pit Bull?

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February 25, 2020

I found this dog where I live. My girlfriend and I heard barking from outside in the parking lot and saw him. I called out to him and he ran to me. I've put flyers out in case of anyone had lost a dog, but nothing.

I guess he's our dog now. But I'm just wondering if he's a Pit Bull terrier, because he looks like it. Please let me know. Thanks everyone.

Is My Dog a Pit Bull Terrier? - brown and white Pit Bull looking dog
Is My Dog a Pit Bull Terrier?
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September 18, 2019

Does my puppy look like she has Pit in her. She is 5weeks and 3 days old.

Is My Puppy a Pit Bull Mix?
Is My Puppy a Pit Bull Mix?
Is My Puppy a Pit Bull Mix?
Is My Puppy a Pit Bull Mix?

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May 23, 2020

My dog is a female. Is she a Pit Bull?

Is My Dog a Pit Bull? - brown and white dog
Is My Dog a Pit Bull?
Is My Dog a Pit Bull?
Is My Dog a Pit Bull?
Is My Dog a Pit Bull?
Is My Dog a Pit Bull?

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September 23, 2019

We were told my dog is a Lab mix, with the possibility of Husky and Australian Shepherd. My husband and I are about to move to an apartment complex and we don't want to be blindsided by accusations!

We rescued him! He is 1.5 years old and 28 lbs.

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August 9, 2019

I was told he is a Pit Bull. Is he?

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Is My Puppy a Pit Bull?

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June 8, 2018

I have brought this new pet. I have been told it's a Pit Bull. I have never kept one. Can anyone tell me if it's a Pit Bull or not?

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Is My Dog a Pit Bull?
Is My Dog a Pit Bull?

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February 4, 2018

I've just gotten an American Bulldog puppy, many people who meet her instantly start questioning me on if she's a Pit Bull, or even telling me she's a Pit Bull! I'm pretty sure she is not, but all the comments are making me doubt myself.

Pit Bulls are banned where I live so I think that's why I just need some reassurance (my vets are useless they originally wrote down that she was a Staffy).

American Bulldog or Pitbull - brindle puppy
American Bulldog or Pitbull


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 424 Answers
February 4, 20180 found this helpful

What a sweet heart !! You might consider going to the library and checking out books on American Bull Dog, their traits and coloring and definitely get a book with color pictures and compare them to your dog.
Good luck, I am sure it would be hard to part with such a sweet
dog. !!


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
February 4, 20180 found this helpful

My first thought before reading what you wrote was it was an American Bulldog Pit mix. American Bulldog full breeds tend to be more droopy in the face. I'd get a DNA kit if you're worried since they are banned there!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
February 5, 20181 found this helpful

To me your dog looks like an American Bulldog puppy. I think people get confused about the different bulldog breeds. It might be worth the cost of a DNA test to avoid all the arguments.

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November 8, 2019

I was wondering what breed you guys think my dog is. They said he was a Pit Bull when I bought him, but I am not sure if he's a Pit or an AmStaff or possibly something else. Right now he's 66 pounds at 1 year. Here's a picture of him. Is My Dog a Pit Bull? - tan and white dog standing on a rock


Thank you!

Is My Dog a Pit Bull?
Is My Dog a Pit Bull?
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August 27, 2019

The vet tried to label him as a mix when we brought him in to be neutered. I know the mom is a red nosed Pit Bull and was told the dad was a blue nosed Pit. Thoughts?

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Is My Dog an American Pit Bull Terrier? - brown dog sleeping

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