
Remedies for Sinus Problems?

I love your newsletters, they have helped me to be a much more thrifty person. I'm needing some help but I don't know if anyone can help me but here it goes. I had gone to my doctor and he told me that I had one of the worse cases of sinus problems. It's so bad that I vomit day and night and I'm not able to keep food in my stomach. I have tried everything out on the market for sinuses and also the doctor has given me prescriptions for "meds".


Right now there is nothing for me to take, so I was wondering if anyone knows of a herb or if there is something that I can do to resolve this problem that I have. I don't have much money and going to an ears, nose and throat doctor is really out of the question. I would really appreciate any help that anyone can give me.

Thank You


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July 18, 20040 found this helpful

my daughter has sinus problems too, the dr. suggested nasal douching. In a 1 quaart glass (very clean) fill with warm tap water. put 2 to 3 heaping teaspoons of pickling or canning salt(no table salt) 1 teaspoon baking soda and mix.


store at room temp. up to a week. 2 to 3 times a day use a bulb syring ( baby nose cleaner). put liquid in bowl , then into syring then place in nostrel , stand over the sink . I hope this works for you.

July 3, 20180 found this helpful

Not tap water unless it is boiled first. See above reply and google search this. Tap water can harbor serious bacteria that need to be killed.

By (Guest Post)
July 19, 20040 found this helpful

Peppermint essential oil(NOT fragrance oils!) a drop on your tongue and/or mix a drop with 10 drops of sweet almond oil and put a bit on your forehead, over the area of conjestion. If it gets too "hot " on your skin add more pure sweet almond oil to cool it down. Repeat as needed.


Really opens up the sinuses in my experience.

Make sure you get the highest quality oil you can afford. This is a case where you get what you pay for. Select the highest price, essential oil available. Do not skimp here.

Keep you hands away from your eyes and other mucus membranes too or the EO may "burn". Cool with almond oil if you forget and get some in your eyes. I warned you!

By Mary B (Guest Post)
July 19, 20040 found this helpful

Wendy, do you get headaches? I suffered with "sinus" headaches for almost 20 years (I even ended up in the ER a couple of times). I finally when to an ENT during one of my headaches and he stuck a scope up my nose. To my surprise he said it wasn't my sinuses but a migraine. He said that sinus headaches don't make you throw up. Changing my eatting habits and going off certain medications has helped temendously.

By Evie (Guest Post)
July 19, 20040 found this helpful

Wendy, I have sinus problems also and I use the herbs echinacea and zinc. They work great for me . I have also been told to drink some red tea, I havent tryed the red tea yet. I have found all of these things at super walmart. I hope this helps.



By lisa (Guest Post)
July 19, 20040 found this helpful

you really have to see a Ear, nose and throat dr.
It could be something that needs attention..
my nil dealt with sinus infection for a long time.. turns out it was something completely different.
I urge you to go !! NOW.. Please .. get a loan.. have mom or dad pay for it..
sorry to be so pushy.. but honestly is nothing to put off !!

By Linda (Guest Post)
July 19, 20040 found this helpful

I use and swear by nasal irrigation using a "neti" pot - same idea as the bulb syringe, except you pour a steady stream of warm water with just a pinch of salt up one nostril, and eventually it works its way out the other. Sounds gross, but I am so much better and no longer suffer from sinus infections. Source for Neti Pot - search on "neti pot". Good luck!

By Anna S. (Guest Post)
July 19, 20040 found this helpful

Go to ( and look for Lobelia. My father had severe allergies and would choke and not be able to breathe and he would take 15 drops in 2 oz. water and would be coughing up mucus and blowing nose in just 2 or 3 minutes, this worked when even a nebulizer would not.


I eat Peppercini peppers and sip the juice to help clear my sinuses.

By woofey (Guest Post)
July 20, 20040 found this helpful

Just a quick grating of fresh horseradish and even an inadvertant inhalation of the fumes sure wooks for me!

By Fran Marie (Guest Post)
July 20, 20040 found this helpful

If there is any sign of infection take one clove of garlic (cut into pill-sized pieces) three times a day. It's anti-biotic and astringent. (This is also wonderful at heading off a sore throat! My son CHEWS the garlic [ew!] and swears it works better)

Fresh rosemary tea is also anti-biotic.

For the nausea-fresh ginger root. (Do NOT chew. It's spicy!)

By Monekia (Guest Post)
May 15, 20050 found this helpful

what i have found to give me relief was irrigation and cool air. Drink plenty of fluids and and whenever possible sleep with a humidifier.

By Shelia (Guest Post)
January 31, 20060 found this helpful

I did the irrigation thing yesterday and the water didnt go through to the other nostril. After I had such pressure that I thought I could not stand it anymore.


Today is just a little better. Still have terrible pressure. I can breath fine. Help!

By Mrs.Ahmad (Guest Post)
February 19, 20060 found this helpful

I am also suffering from the problem of ch.sinusoitis.As I know it is an allergic problem.But uptill now I always used to take anti-allergic tablets, but now after seeing these remedies I will try one of them.I hope one must work for me.

By BB (Guest Post)
March 25, 20060 found this helpful

My father and I have had chronic sinus trouble, and the Neti pot seems to help a lot. I have only used it for a week now and but I'm feeling tons better, and my Dad swears by it. It's sort of gross and hard to do when you first start, but definitely worth it!

By cassandra freeman (Guest Post)
April 10, 20060 found this helpful

i have sinus problems very often and to get a little relief, i drink juice at room temperature or i put on a pot of boiling water.

By gina (Guest Post)
April 22, 20070 found this helpful

Use a humidifier, breathe in steam and use saline nose drops

By Donna Marchionni (Guest Post)
September 14, 20071 found this helpful

In many cases it can be important to see an ENT doc, BUT: I have had chronic allergic sinisus for so many years and let's see...I think I am on #6 ENT (at least!) All but the last were almost totally useless. Really, would have made me much sicker if I had listened. For example, on one day, I had had to see 3 docs in a row, with the ENT last. First 2 were amazed at the horrible case of throat thrush I had (because another ENT had given me a nasal + an oral steroid w/out telling me that effect.) Arriving at doc #3, the very famous ENT, who was supposed to treat the dang thing, I was told that it wasn't thrush at all, just a li'l bit o' post nasal drip from my GERD (with defies logic) & told me to put the top 2 feet of my bed on 6 inch risers. Goodbye and $200 please.
One of them did recommend a sort of Neti pot, as discussed above, but it had to be an electric $160 bought from him (w/no insurance repayment.) It works exactly as a Neti pot, except the water has to be cold, so it works less well and hurts. THE NETI POT IS GREAT. Please try it.
#4 gave me terrible thrush again, by prescribing another oral steroid inhaler. I told him 5 way to Sundays how they gave me thrush, but, of course, he didn't believe a li'l ol' woman (with almost a P.hD. - but they *really* don't want to hear that!) He swore that this was diff because it was a powder, had been used in Germany for 20 years w/o 1 case of thrush, blah blah blah. I fell for it & had thrush in 2 days. I called him -- and he didn;t believe me still! Even after I read to him the PDR (Physician's Desk Reference parts about *thrush being the #1 side effect that happens in so many cases.* [This, BTW, was a "Best Doctor" from the New York Magazine survey!)
#5 wanted to do surgery immediately. Only #6 saw that it was caused by allergies (which was as clear as a bell, AND which I had told ALL of them) and he really couldn't help me until an allergist did. He recommended a good one, and the neti pot.
ALSO, I put ESSENTIAL OILS, as noted above, in my shower. I put ~10 drops of each: Eucalyptus, mint; and a few drops of whatever "pretty" oil that I have on hand (Rose, Geranium, or, the best, Neroli, the scent just like 4711) on the tub mat way in the back, where I won't step on the oil and trip. Then I start the water, then ready myself to get in. By the time I'm in the smell is starting to get delicious, and throughout the shower, the hot water helps the essential oils permiate the air and my nose, sinuses, and lungs. It helps to open up eveything! As a bonus,my skin is moisturised and the bathroom smells heavenly for the rest of the day. Aaah!
Best wishes and God bless you

Donna Marchionni
in New York


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 65 Requests
September 14, 20070 found this helpful

I use Bayberry bark herb for my sinuses. Buy at a health food store and I just follow the directions.

Also, when I start to feel an infection I do these things too-

1. I change my clothes and wash my face and hands every time I come in from outdoors.

Yes, it does lead to a lot of laundry! But it really works for me.

When I wash my face, I also wash a little up my nostrils because the tiny hairs catch pollen.

Rinse well!

You can even try baby wipes, they are quicker.

I do this even if I go outside for five minutes.

2. Brush your hair really well when you come in from outdoors.

3. Stay inside on windy days and keep the windows rolled up on your car.

4. Keep the air conditioning in your car on 'recirculate' and don't air condition the air from the outside. In other words, don't use 'vent'.

5. Get lots of sleep

6. Eat lightly and stay away from any kind of meat and dairy and sugar. I'm not a fanatic, but even trying a little bit helps!

7. Drink one glass of lukewarm water with the juice of one whole fresh lemon in it every hour until you start to feel better. This will work.

8. I hate to be graphic! But keep your bowels moving! Even if you have to take a mild laxative, it's important to get the toxins out of your body fast. All that infection from your sinuses is going back into your body. I'm thinking that maybe that's why you vomit.

Movements are also important especially when you are detoxing as in the advice above. Get it out of there!

8. Wear all natural clothing against your body like cotton or silk, etc.

9. This works like a charm.
Get into the shower and let the water run as hot as you can stand it, for as long as you can stand it, right onto your sinuses on your face.

Then, using cold water do the same; run cold water as cold as you can stand it, for as long as you can stand it, over your sinuses.

Alternate back and forth for as long as you can. Alternating hot and cold constricts your sinuses so they dislodge the infection. Sounds gross. I know. It is gross. But it might help you!

9. Detox your skin by giving yourself a 'salt glow'.
Into the shower again and use a clean wash cloth NOT a loofah, get rid of your loofah since they carry so much bacteria.

Put salt and fresh lemon juice onto your washcloth and give yourself a good rub all over.

Our skin is the largest organ we have (I remember when I first heard that and it still amazes me) - this step is important especially in light of the detoxing process.

Lots of luck to you, sweetie.
Check out herb books and health food stores like Whole Foods Market in your area. Bayberry bark works for me, but there are so many out there. Just please remember this-herbs are medicine. Our ancestors used herbs before we had conventional medicine. Did you know that aspirin was derived from white willow bark herb? Did you know that digitalis came from foxglove? Too cool!

God bless you!


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 65 Requests
September 14, 20070 found this helpful

Please don't use Lobelia - it is considered to be dangerous and poisonous.

By Prasad (Guest Post)
June 22, 20080 found this helpful

Last week I had my 3rd or 4th attack of "severe headache" in the past year. After doing a CAT scan, the doctor detected it was sinusoitis & just asked me to use a steam inhaler 3-4 times a day. Believe me, the cure was magical. With the first inhalation, I already was feeling better. He didnt prescribe any meditation.

Try it out. It is cheap & has no side effects ;-) All the best!

By nancycorinne (Guest Post)
July 31, 20080 found this helpful

Wow, and wow! You have gotten a lot of excellent advice. Here is my experience. I have post-nasal drip - ALWAYS.

It is due to allergies. When they tested me with 100 allergens, I reacted 8+ to ALL OF THEM on a scale of 1 to 10. So, basically I'm allergic to the top 100 known typical allergens. I suspect you have the post nasal drip so bad it makes you vomit. I understand. That happens to me too. I can go through that for days.

NOW, if you are puking enough to dehydrate, get to the ER, do not pass GO! Drink lots of fluids (not wine and beer or any other alcohol - as they are famous for allergens PLUS if you are so full of phlegm, you sure don't need to be zonked out when you go to sleep), God only Knows you could possibly choke on your phlegm and nobody would know.)

Water, tea, and even sodas are better beverage choices. Water with lemon or lime is really good to help cut through phlegm. (I'd like to meet the person who named IT PHLEGM!) lol! Otherwise, do what ever you can to cut down on allergens in your home, ESPECIALLY where you sleep.

Don't do your own vacuuming if you can avoid it. Maybe you can do some kind of help for a friend or neighbor in exchange for vacuuming... but do it or have it done regularly a couple or a few days a week If you must do it yourself - cover your mouth and nose with a mask or kerchiff. Never EVER handle the full vacuum bag without gloves and a mask.

Empty the vacuum bag well before it feels like a brick, OK? They are usually only effective when they are much less than what would feel like 1/2 full to you. I think I just scared the CR*P out of you, but I know these things are helpful.

Do not use a humidifier that warms the water due to the mold it can put into the air. I have heard cold water humidifiers are a better choice if you feel too dried up and are still experiencing these symptoms.

First and foremost, stay away from mold. Secondly, do whatever you can to cover your pillows and mattress. One of the worst allergens are/is DUST MITES (oh no, mr. bill!). If you don't have the dust covers for your pillows or your mattress, use every pillow case you own on your pillow (I have about 4 pillow cases on the pillows that I don't have dust covers for) and wash them regularly and the same goes for your sheets.

Dust mites live in fabric (Like mattresses, pillows and carpet) and are difficult to get rid of, so you just cover them. Unless of course you can freeze them. You can put your pillows or whatever is small enough in the freezer - it helps kill dust mites.

I know you don't have money, so, you can make your own sinus rinse.
You can look up how to make saline solution using Google or another search engine. You don't just rinse your nostrils, you have to get the saline solution to go way way up into your forehead and then let it run out your nose and throat...I"m thinking a hair coloring bottle with the long nozzle would work nicely as long as it is completely clean.

Just make a saline solution, (it's just salt and water) then hold your head up over the sink, squirt the solution way, way up ... HARD then tip your head nose first into the sink with your mouth open and let it run out your nose, throat and mouth. It's sort of like puking except you relax everything and just let it go up your nose and back our your nose and throat. I know it sounds PUKY, but it's a lot thinner than what you've been vomiting.

I totally understand vomiting phlegm. After a night of sleep, I can wake up and feel it in my throat. It does that tickle thing and makes me toss my cookies. Sometimes for so long that I think I can't breathe ever again and I'm gonna die! But there is nothing in my stomach and I'm just vomiting the pleghm that has dripped down my throat which I've swallowed all night.

I have rambled, but I sure hope you can get some relief. I sure hope you feel better soon. I wish I could fix it completely for you! Hugz!


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