
Removing Odor From Clothing Left in Washer?

All of my towels have that smell of when you leave them in the washer too long. (I did that). I can't get the smell out. I have tried with vinegar and bleach even though they are colored. I will have to get new ones if I can't get the stink out. When you dry yourself off, you smell then. Please any ideas?


By Maria Disrud from WI

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November 14, 20100 found this helpful

Please try Baking soda in the wash. Let it soak for 20 minutes. A shot of Febreeze when they are dry wouldn't hurt!
Best wishes!

November 15, 20100 found this helpful

The magic word is baking soda. Soak the towels in your regular laundry soap and add 1/2 to 3/4 cup of soda. Maybe soak them for 1/2 hour. I hope it helps you.


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November 15, 20100 found this helpful

Done that! Washed them in HOT water and dishwasher soap, the powder or 2 tabs. I used double the amount for one dishwasher load and it got the smell out!


I used lemon scented dishwasher soap and now they smell like lemon! It HAS to be dishwasher soap, not just dish soap. Good luck!

December 17, 20170 found this helpful

What if you are scent allergic? I can't use Lemon!

January 17, 20180 found this helpful

It's hard to get clear ammonia because of the Drug Enforcement Agency listed it as a watch chemical. When I see it I buy a couple of gallons. I like to use it to clean windows. I'm testing it right now on some towels. I'll follow with vinegar and baking soda and finally toss them out if this does not work.

July 24, 20180 found this helpful

If using dishwasher detergent, make sure to add first and mix well. It contains bleach and can leave bleached spots and streaks if not mixed and diluted fully before you add the laundry.


DH used it once by mistake instead of laundry soap, so I speak from experience.

July 24, 20180 found this helpful

If using dishwasher detergent, make sure to add first and mix well. It contains bleach and can leave bleached spots and streaks if not mixed and diluted fully before you add the laundry. DH used it once by mistake instead of laundry soap, so I speak from experience.

November 15, 20100 found this helpful

Something that is color safe and fabric safe is Pine Sol. I will add 1/8 to 1/4 cup of lavender or spring flowers scented Pine Sol to the wash to deodorize and disinfect laundry that has a "sour" smell to it.


I've done it with excellent results and NO DAMAGE to the laundry.

November 26, 20100 found this helpful

I use 20 Mule Team Borax, pine cleaner along with my regular detergent and run one full cycle. Then I rinse a second time with fabric softener, smells wonderful when it comes out of the dryer.

October 9, 20120 found this helpful

Try ammonia... I know it sounds weird, because it is stinky on its own, but I swear it works and your clothes do not smell like ammonia when they are done. Also safe on clothes... treat similar to bleach.

April 30, 20170 found this helpful

My brother-in-law worked delivering fuel oil and he always got some fuel oil on his clothes. He used ammonia and swears by it. I have the sour smelling clothes and have avoided this method. I have tried the vinegar, but the smell won't come out.


So today, I am trying the ammonia. I use ammonia to wash my floors, and like you smells bad, but it drys clean and fresh. Weird, but true.

October 2, 20170 found this helpful

Just make sure not to mix with bleach! You'll end up with a toxic chloramine vapor.

December 27, 20170 found this helpful

That can't be good for your skin though right? I mean even though you wash that chemical is still going to be in the fabric.

July 28, 20160 found this helpful

please answer this question i need help i left cloth in washer an i can't get the sour odor out

September 26, 20190 found this helpful



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