
Getting Rid of Pigeons

March 18, 2018

Is there a predator of pigeons that won't scare away the little birds?



Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 424 Answers
March 19, 20180 found this helpful
Best Answer

A Wind-chime can be hung and scare pidgeons away. Or even an aluminum foil plate if you do not want to buy a wind-chime . Other suggestions, hang several balloons, put out a decoy, owl or hawk. A possibly scatter rubber snakes.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
March 19, 20180 found this helpful
Best Answer

I always just hang up a lot of old CD's around the yard. When they turn and the sun catches them, birds don't like this and stay away. They don't like any reflective surface at all.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

February 19, 2015

Please help me get rid of them. I hose them on a daily basis, but they still return.

By WJR from Essendon, Melbourne, Vic.


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
February 19, 20151 found this helpful

Pigeons are a fact of life in most most cities and towns, except perhaps near the Arctic Circle. My spouse, a naturalist, jokes that Pigeons (or flying piggies-as he calls them) are like rats and mice-a species that has adapted most successfully to our modern day world.


One can not "get rid of pigeons" because they are sucessful adapters, they fly, they return to good food areas, and they will eat most anything. You can, however, reduce the attractive food possibilities in your area-remove all seed, berry, flower, fruit bearing bushes and trees and other pigeon food such as food garbage, pet food, etc., from your home and lot. They will look for food elsewhere but will check back on your area for new food possibilities in the future.

February 22, 20150 found this helpful

Buy one, or more, of those fake plastic life sized owls from your local gardening store and hang them up around the area you are trying to keep clear of pigeons. The owls will scare them away.

May 11, 20161 found this helpful

Just found another trick to keep the pigeons away and off my window sills. I cut pieces of plastic carpet runner and glue down with the spike side up so they wont land on it because it hurts their feet.


Its working great.

July 18, 20160 found this helpful

No it doesn't. I remember once seeing a pigeon sitting on top of the head of a fake owl. They don't look like owls to pigeons and they don't move. If you get a lot of breezes on your balcony, get a couple of pinwheels and put them up.

July 18, 20161 found this helpful

Another way to stop them from landing on your balcony railing is to string fishing line from one of the balcony to the other about an inch above the railing. They start to land, don't like the way the fishing line feels and fly away.


I actually watched this happen after I put the fishing line up. The pigeon started to land, felt the fishing line and flew away as fast as possible. It was very amusing to watch and it confirmed that the fishing line worked.

September 23, 20160 found this helpful

The owl idea does not work the pidgeons keep coming back also I don't feed them or have food on my balcony

June 18, 20170 found this helpful

This only works temporarily, they will learn over time that the owl is fake. Even if you move it frequently, they figure it out over time.

October 26, 20171 found this helpful

I had pigeons roosting in a linden tree. After sunset when they were all settled in, I went a out with my headlamp and proceeded to spray them with the water hose, mind you I did not enjoy doing this but they make a terrible mess. I kept checking every hour and they did return but less and less each time, I finally gave up after midnight.


The next night I repeated this and after one spraying only one returned and that one refused to vacate the tree, it flew out of the reach of the hose, smart bird.

Tonight I claim victory I have been out several times and it is past midnight and not one single pigeon. I am going to be vigilant and check each night for a week or so just in case they decide to make their way back. BTW I tried the wind chimes and mylar and that had zero effect. Good Luck!

March 21, 20180 found this helpful

If plastic owls scare away pigeons, wont the also scare away the little birds that I love and feed?

July 4, 20190 found this helpful

My stupid neighbour keeps feeding them but they roost on my balcony and Wake me up at 6AM ,with their noise Stop feeding them people ,they are not cute they are very annoying !

August 6, 20190 found this helpful

Birds and pigeons having been a roofer for many years I stumbled upon criminal paint used in computing manor no public areas etc I call no fly zone . 2 years warranty with paint

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August 15, 2010

I have a small commercial office building in northern California. The tenants complain of pigeons on the roof, foul droppings, and noise. I want to rid the place of the "flying rats" in the most humane way possible. This is a health hazard, but I have not found a good solution to the problem. In addition, I am on the east coast and rely on the building management who have been no help, as of yet.

By TheOldLadyoftheVillage from outside Philadelphia


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
June 6, 20050 found this helpful

I have pigeons on my roof and you can just imagine the MESS I have on the sidewalk. There is NOT a nest. Any suggestions to get them to move without hiring a professional service?


- Jo


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
August 19, 20100 found this helpful

Before you use the ideas posted here I think you personally should call the city and/or county of that area and find out what you are and are not allowed to do for pigeon control because in many, many areas around the country (and Northern Cali is notorious for animal protection) it can be a civil or criminal offense to obstruct or poison/kill many species of animals including pigeons. The city might even give you suggestions/options of what to do and/or refer you to a trusted professional animal control company.

Please share with us what you find out and what you choose to do to solve your pigeon problem. The information could help others with the same problem in the future. Oh, and you really might want to consider firing and then rehiring a new management company. ;-)


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 126 Feedbacks
November 22, 20100 found this helpful

Spray were the roost with WD-40. They will not return. They were trying to build a nest in my friends rain gutters. She sprayed it with WD-40 and they didn't return.

November 28, 20180 found this helpful

Yes it helps. Also hang up a big plastic bag in the middle of your Balcony and you soon see the good result, ( NO MORE PIGEN)

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May 8, 2016

I live in a flat above some shops and they're everywhere. The problem is if we open our windows they sit on them and poop inside and out.

They even came into my daughter's room. What can I do? Please help.


May 9, 20161 found this helpful

Many humane options are available, Lisa. Your city hall may have some advice on the matter.

You can of course contact an extermintor. You can purchase cages to trap them then transport them elsewhere before releasing and hope they don't come back. My personal favourite? Buy water guns. You know the kind kids use in swimming pools? The ones that hold a lot of water? Smack 'em a few times with a strong stream of water and they'll start avoiding your place. Works great for magpies, too!

July 1, 20171 found this helpful

There is a "cat scat mat" made out of plastic little spikes set on rows; I bought it from a gardening supply online store. I cut it in strips 3 spikes wide and attached to my courtyard overhead patio string lights using zip ties. Works like a charm. Cut it to size and mount where ever you don't want pigeons to land. Search "cat scat mat" - originally made to keep critters out of flower beds & gardens.

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March 31, 2015

I've been on holiday for two weeks and now have pigeons on my veranda every morning. How can I get rid of them?

By Elinor m from Glasgow


April 1, 20150 found this helpful

Get several foil pie plates, the really shiny ones, punch a hole in each one, near the edge. Tie various lengths of string to them and hang them up where the pigeons are. The wind blowing them around scares the pigeons away.

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December 29, 2012

Pigeons on my house roof outside, have laid eggs and that insect which is tinier than an ant is disturbing a lot. It flies on our whole body and some bite. I don't know what to do. I need help and tips to remove the pigeon and the insects as soon as possible.

By Shruthi

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September 21, 2016

This is a page about keeping pigeons off your balcony. Pigeons can be very messy visitors to your porch or balcony.

Looking out of a window at a pigeon on a balcony

March 14, 2019

Pigeons can sometimes choose a nesting spot that is inconvenient or worrisome for a home owner or apartment dweller. If she has already laid eggs you can read on to see some ideas on what to do about a nesting pigeon and discouraging future nests. This is a page about getting rid of a nesting pigeon.

Pigeon nesting in a box.

July 22, 2016

This page is about dealing with pigeons and their droppings. These birds spending time in your outdoor living area can leave a mess.

Pigeon on a white background


ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

August 15, 2010

I have a problem with pigeons in my garden. Can some one give me some advice on how to get rid of them?

Home and Garden Pest Control BirdsSeptember 23, 2011
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