
Scratch and Dent Stores Near Greensboro, NC?

Are there still any Scratch and Dent grocery stores in existence? I live in NC, near Burlington in the Greensboro area.

Julie from Liberty, NC


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By Paula Jo (Guest Post)
January 29, 20090 found this helpful
Best Answer

There is one here in Mebane (about 40 miles from Liberty). It is on the block behind the police department on Hwy 70/Center Street here. I have shopped there and have saved quite a bit BUT then again I live only a few miles away from the store.

I do not know IF it would be considered cost effecient for you having to travel more then 20 miles with the cost of gas UNLESS you drive a Prius by Toyota.

By Dee (Guest Post)
January 29, 20090 found this helpful
Best Answer

I live in Jacksonville, NC , I've found one in Buealaville NC. It's run by the Minonite Church. Check around, if there's a Minonite Church , they might start one up.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 116 Feedbacks
January 29, 20090 found this helpful

So glad you asked this question. I live in Reidsville and go to both Burlington and Greensboro frequently. Maybe we can get some answers.

By Dee (Guest Post)
January 30, 20090 found this helpful

My answer is more a warning than an answer. Alot of these places are popping up across the country because of the economy, but there are warnings about using cans that are dented. Testing has been done on items like this, and it has been found that when cans are dented, sometimes chemicals from the cans themselves are absorbed into the food.


Although prices can be really cheap on these cans, I don't think it is worth the risk to save a few cents on.

February 3, 20090 found this helpful

Totally agree with Dee. Even if the can is not swollen, a very, minute hole at the bent crease is enough to allow Botulism to exist.


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