
Planning a Masquerade Ball?

How do I plan a masquerade party?

By Rashema from Hackensack, NJ

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March 29, 2011

How do I plan a masquerade ball?

By lizzie from Manila, Philippines



July 16, 2010

I am throwing a sweet 16 party for next year (July) even though I wanted it this year. I didn't get to planning in time so it's going to have to wait. My mom and I were trying to go all out about the mysteriousness, seduction, and tragedy of a Masquerade. Midnight Masquerade will be the theme.

The main problem we're having is what food to serve. Any suggestions on the mysterious food part? For the invitations, I kind of wanted it to be a scroll sealed with wax. We were going to stamp something into the wax sort of like the Phantom of the Opera. Maybe a moon with a star. I want everyone to be wearing a mask and we can give one to the people that don't come with one.

I sort of wanted it to be semi-formal because I don't want people to go buy a brand new expensive dress or tux. I also kind of wanted to have a murder mystery type thing and the longer it takes for people to find out who the killer is, the more people die. I'm pretty sure I can figure out how to do it because I have a great imagination, but I would still appreciate any suggestions. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


By Summer from San Antonio, TX


March 30, 2010

Do any ThriftyFun members know how to get cheap or even free masquerade party decorations, food, or costumes? I'm also looking for a largish venue for holding the party/ball.

So if any of you guys know where I can get these supplies from, whether it is through the internet or anywhere else, please advise me. Thank you.

By Hannah from Bridgend, Wales


Planning a Masquerade Ball

I've just been invited to a masquerade party and on the invitation it said, "Find a mask and wear it well so your true identity no one can tell."(07/25/2008)

By Kevin

Planning a Masquerade Ball

Watch the movie "Labyrinth" with David Bowie in it. It has one of the BEST ballroom scenes EVER. (10/26/2008)


By Seb

Planning a Masquerade Ball

We're doing a masquerade ball for our turnabout dance. We are giving out masks as the tickets/invitations and decorating our student cafe with silver, green, purple, and black balloons, streamers, and lights. We are buying masks to sell at the door that are done up with feathers and glitter so our group can make money. (11/13/2008)

By Beccah

Planning a Masquerade Ball

You have to check out

That is one of the greatest masquerades in the country. I look at their photos all the time. (12/14/2008)

By Gregor


February 15, 2010

I'm throwing a masquerade ball but I don't know how or where. I don't know what to serve. Can you help me?

Bre from Belmond, IA


Planning a Masquerade Ball

I am planning one for my 30th right now. Some ideas I had are to have palm readers, tarot card readers and belly dancers. Can anyone recommend a good site with lots of photos? (08/16/2008)


By Melyssa

Planning a Masquerade Ball

Watch the movie: Just My Luck or A Cinderella Story, they have some cute ideas for costumes. (10/07/2008)

By Ave

Planning a Masquerade Ball

Watch the movie "Labyrinth" with David Bowie in it. It has one of the best ballroom scenes ever. (10/26/2008)

By Seb

Planning a Masquerade Ball

We're doing masquerade ball for our turnabout dance. We are giving out masks as the tickets/invitations and decorating our student cafe with silver, green, purple, and black balloons, streamers, and lights. We are buying masks to sell at the door that are done up with feathers and glitter so our group can make money. (11/13/2008)

By Beccah

Planning a Masquerade Ball

You have to check out
That is one of the greatest masquerades in the country. I look at their photos all the time. (12/14/2008)


By Gregor

Planning a Masquerade Ball

(submitted via email)
Masquerade balls are so much fun, we have been to a few, and at they have a large selection of masks, and also theme scene setters, to make the venue or home elaborate, which is what a masquerade is all about. Small pics for food, that cake looks fab, and of course every guest must be masked. We got our masquerade invitations from party masquerade as well, although not advertised they were great when we rang and said what we wanted. Anyway have a marvelous time.

Mrs. Mcclintock (12/21/2008)

By Jess


December 7, 2006
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