
Fruits and Vegetables as Snacks

These come in response to "I have the hardest time being frugal when it come to healthy eating. It seems chips and other unhealthy foods are much cheaper then healthy foods. I have had people say that is not true but this is how I look at it: If I buy a bag of potato chips at Aldis it will cost 99¢ and will allow about 5 treats. Where as, if I buy 5 apples for 5 treats I am now paying anywhere from $1.49 - $1.79 per pound so it comes out to usually $4.00-$5.00. I don't see that as being cheaper. I know in the long run it is cheaper but I want to know how people stay frugal when it comes to healthy eating now, not in the future. That is a topic I would like to see covered.Thanks for listening to my little rant."


- Frugal

If I wait for sales, I can usually get school boy apples for as low as 69 cents a pounds. I actually like the size better than bigger apples, especially for kids. I can usually stock up on enough to last me until the next sale.

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Giving potato chips for a snack is an investment in poor health down the road, why not give apples even if it's a little more, because it's certainly less expensive than drugs to clear out those arteries, or to recover from a stroke or heart attack.

By Dotty

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To the person looking for healthy snacks try shopping at Aldi's. My Aldi's sells 3 lb. bags of apples for $.99 to $1.49 which is way more than 5 snacks; they also sell bananas for $.29 lb and the baby carrots are really cheap too. Maybe you are missing the produce aisle.

By Betty

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