
Increasing Frequency of Traffic Tickets

With all levels of government in need of revenue one means to add money to the coffers is by increase the number of traffic tickets issued. I live in a coastal beach community and it has been reported on the news that the state police have significantly increased the number of police patrolling the highways that feed into the community.


Additionally, the number of miles permitted above the speed limit has been decreased. But it isn't only the highways that are being monitored, because there is a notable difference in the number of police giving out traffic tickets in my local community. Many of my friend have noticed the similar situations in their city or town.

So, as a frugal person, be aware that your driving is being monitored more now than in years past. Pay close attention to the posted speed limit not to the traffic speed. Make sure that you are come to a complete stop at all stop lights and/or stop signs. In general, make extra sure that you are following all traffic laws. As I have told my wife, leaving a couple of minutes early can save us hundreds of dollars.

By Bob from Wilmington, NC

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Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
June 9, 20100 found this helpful

Good advice. I am pretty sure that often the motivation behind "safety checks" is not safety at all, but increased revenue from tickets. If safety was the issue, they would issue a warning with a time limit for the offender to come back with the problem fixed (such as mudflaps or working tailights and that sort of stuff), and so one would be able to avoid the ticket by fixing up the vehicle.


But that is not the way it is done!!

June 9, 20100 found this helpful

rjwilcox, you are SO right! When times get tough, the cops get going! I'm in Michigan and believe me, times are definitely tough here! And the number of citations is booming! There are police patrolling roads now where we hardly ever saw them before. Everybody drive safely!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 270 Feedbacks
June 9, 20100 found this helpful

In some states it may be this way, not in every state is this the 'thing'. It may appear to be heightened activity, especially after increased car accidents, repeated offenders near high death toll holidays where numbers pile high. Maybe it is preventative information, a step of watching for seat belt violations or children not in seat belts, following high number of deaths. The public outcry for more visible law enforcement and doubling of fine does bring news media attention. High rates of motorcycle accident/fatalities also brings safety checks amongst bikers, encouragement to wear helmets if they currently don't. There is always the upsweep of trying to keep anyone who drinks and then drives off the highway.


We have buried too many local people from our small rural communities over the last couple months, kids driving home from school; night time drunks who think they have the right to the highway; Deer wiping out cyclists, as in the last 2 weeks, aux trailers behind cars, the kind you haul your mower, 4x4 on, becoming unattached and smashing the lives out of the people behind you.

These are just a few examples of the mourning our small community has dealt with this spring. The obituaries are proof. Preventative behavior and car/truck safety condition listed as the causes of deaths is very sad for everyone. You can't undo it.
So if the speed limit says a certain number, drive it. Rather than explain to the mom why you killed her husband and small daughter cause 'you know people drive faster than the sign states' and you're getting somewhere was more important than their (or your family's) life.


I am from Minnesota, a major crackdown everywhere. When the sheriff puts the port a trailer which flashes your speed, yes, you want to be stopped if you exceed it.
I have friends in law enforcement. Enforcing laws passed by the legislature is part of their jobs. Some find their niche of not even an inch is a personal thing. One of my good friends says not coming to a full stop, all wheels to a dead stop at least 5 seconds, is his, no rolling stops. Unless you got $200 and a day in court to waste, much less pulling out in front of someone not expecting a stop sign to be blown. As the one being broadsided, you most likely won't live to tell the tale.

I am not finger pointing but being proactive rather than reactive gets you a lot further in life in many areas. And as I said, I have been to too many funerals as of late that were not elderly or due to natural causes.


In addition, re seeing more patrol on the road, there has been a big surge of federal money pushed to the states to update their patrolling, equipment, etc


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
June 10, 20100 found this helpful

Very good idea about leaving a few minutes early and following all driving laws :-)

I am not so sure this is all about revenue though. As T&T Grandma mentioned it is also about safety. I've noticed over the forty years I've been driving (I've lived in three states and traveled many more) that areas with the most accidents are the ones patrolled the most.

I wish where I lived (Richland, WA) that we had more officers to enforce the rules of the road and especially the irresponsible dumbo's who continue to text and not use a Blue Tooth!


I can't tell you how many times I've almost been hit, both as a driver and pedestrian, by people who don't follow the law whether it be cell phone use, speeding, running lights, etc :-(

June 10, 20100 found this helpful

I live not too far away from you in Ocean isle Beach. I too have seen the increased patrols but I welcome it. On my travels from OIB to Wilmington, I am almost blown away by the speeding traffic. Also, the driving so many miles above the speed limit is not law! It was an unwritten thing that people did, but it is not legal. When the sign says speed limit 55, that is what it means. Perhaps the added patrol will help save lives, and you living in Wimington, know all too well how many accidents are caused by speeding.

June 10, 20100 found this helpful

Thank you. I am passing on to family and friends.

June 11, 20100 found this helpful

People who speed, run stop signs/lights, fail to use turn signals, etc., deserve the tickets they get. The concern should be safety and obeying the laws. It's pathetic to be more concerned with the financial aspect than the safety aspect.


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