
Dog Whining?

I have noticed more and more that my dog seems to whine often. This has been going on forever (not all day long). Even if she has been fed, played with, potty, she whines, why?



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By Me (Guest Post)
September 7, 20050 found this helpful

How old is your dog & how long have you had her? It could be a million reasons why. Has she been checked by a vet? What is her background? Is she a rescue etc.?

By Dorie Crews (Guest Post)
September 7, 20050 found this helpful

Have the Vet check her out.
How long have you had her?
Has she had all her vaccinations?
How are her bowel movement....normal?
Look inside her mouth at her teeth for abcesses, etc.
Has she vomited or is she lethargic?
Check over her entire body.
I hope you find out why the poor baby is whining...
If you need to email me here is my email...djcrews @ (remove spaces)

By ugogirl (Guest Post)
September 7, 20050 found this helpful

Maybe your dog is whining because she is in pain. A visit to the vet might help you determine if this is the case. Good luck!

By (Guest Post)
September 7, 20050 found this helpful

Vet check is the first things. She may be in pain-sick, parasites like worms or fleas. Otherwise, she needs some behavior modification, with love and attention for being "good".


Maybe she just wants some extra attention-just like kids who whine!

By snigdibbly (Guest Post)
September 8, 20050 found this helpful

The dog may be in pain. Take her to the vet.

By Claudia (Guest Post)
September 8, 20050 found this helpful

My rescue dog's more like a quiet whimper. It's usually 'cause he wants up on the couch or wants some other form of attention. Try process of elimination....water? petting? treat? toy? Also check him over thoroughly for something that might be causing him discomfort. If nothing works, then I would agree, take him to the vet.

September 8, 20050 found this helpful

HI! She is about 3 years old and is in excellent health. I have checked her out and she seems great..not lethargic at all..her happy self as usual. I don't think it is a health issue..she is an extremely attached dog to my hubby and I and cries when we go outside and she can't go with us.




Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 170 Posts
September 8, 20050 found this helpful

My neighber had her dog since it was a puppy. The dog always would whine softly, they just thought they had a sensitive dog. It wasn't until the dog was almost two years old that they found out that the dog had hip dysplexia. She never limped or showed any signs of a problem. Surgery was done and the dog no longer whines. Animals usually don't show pain as we do. They tend to hide their feelings of pain. All animals, domestic and wild will do this since showing signs of pain is considered a weakness in the animal world and the weak are usually preyed upon or picked on.


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