
Activities for Babysitting a 7 Year Old?

August 28, 2007

Babysitter handing a 7 year old, who is coloring, a piece of chalk.My mom and her friend Lisa are having a girls night out and I am watching Lisa's daughter. I am eleven years old and we live with my grandparents and they would be right downstairs along with my three other siblings. The little girl's name is Gabriella. I was wondering if you had any tips on what kind of games and activities I could do with her?


She is 7 years old and loves girly stuff, I thought maybe makeovers with my "BIG GIRL STUFF" as my little sisters and their friends call it. Lisa has known my mom from home school groups, so she knows me pretty well and obviously trusts me. I will be charging her $5.00 for the night since this is my first time. But I want Ella to go home wanting me to babysit her again. So please feel free to post your thoughts on this. Also, if you know any small things I can do to maybe earn me some tips!

Mackenzie from Millington, TN


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 169 Posts
August 28, 20070 found this helpful
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Drag out some of your crafting stuff (not all of it) Show her how to make things. How old were you when you learned to crochet? Maybe part of the evening could be used to start teaching her.


Seven year olds love to read aloud. Try taking turns reading pages from some of your chapter books.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 169 Posts
August 29, 20070 found this helpful
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I used to play "spelling railroad" with my son when he was about that age. It's a good game for riding in the car but you could do it in this situation. The first person spells a word and the next word has to begin with the last letter of that word. On and on it goes till someone decides that the next word will be the caboose.

By BeCcA (Guest Post)
January 21, 20080 found this helpful
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Edible Peanut butter Playdough

1/2 cup Peanut butter
1/2 cup of honey
1 cup powdered milk

Knead until smooth
Let sit in fridge for 10 minutes


Let the kids play with and eat when allowed to have it

This is a fun activity to do with 4-9 year olds beings they love to play with finger foods!! if you have any questions about babysitting or any tips u can contact me at fox_racing94 AT Thanks i hope this helps bye!

By bethany (Guest Post)
March 1, 20080 found this helpful
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You can do a scavenger hunt and at the end give her something like make-up.

By Stefani L (Guest Post)
June 3, 20080 found this helpful
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I have to babysit a little girl and she is also seven. Normally we print out coloring pictures and color. Sometimes we will bake cookies together or make some pudding together. We normally go outside and play on her trampoline but most people don't have one. Hope I helped a little bit.

By Nicole (Guest Post)
August 22, 20080 found this helpful
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One thing I do while I'm baby sitting is you get out a bowl and pick out different snacks that would go well together and just toss is in the bowl then you can snack on that while doing some thing else, like watching a movie. Another thing you can do is get all the pillows at their house and try and stack them as high as you can. Take turns and make it a contest. The girl I baby sit loves that.

June 10, 20100 found this helpful
Best Answer

I am 15 and I babysit a 7 year old girl. She is very indecisive, and she also loves girly things. What I do, is I let her and I go up to my room and we do "beauty makeovers." She absolutely loves those. First, I do her, then she does my makeup. We also, play with dolls, do puzzles, charades, and one game my cousin made up for me when i was younger: Write on little pieces of paper of where to look to find another clue, and they have to figure out where that is, then when they find it, they have another clue.


When they are done, give them a prize (candy, etc.)

Good luck!

August 18, 20100 found this helpful
Best Answer

Whenever I babysit for my 7 yr old "girly" neighbor, we always make bracelets and necklaces out of beads, she also loves to play dress up fashion show, and all kids love arts and crafts. Baking is always fun as well. if its a nice day, we go on a bike ride or a walk, or we can throw a frisbee outside.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 168 Feedbacks
August 29, 20071 found this helpful

Finger painting
board games
stringing beads to make jewelry
paper dolls
computer games
making doll clothes from scrap material
shadow puppet on the wall


word games (make as many words from one word with paper & pencil)
Hide n seek

GO TO Game (number strips of paper 1-10 or more if desired & write a place to go in the room on each piece.
Number 1 strip is handed to the person while the others are hidden in the places you wrote down. (Example: 1. Go to window sill, then go to the window sill to plant number two and number 2 . Go to closet door then go to the closet door to plant number 3. Go to picture on wall. then go their to plant number 4 etc.
Tape each strip of paper if it won't secure on its own. At the last number put a piece of candy, bubble gum, or something you don't mind parting with as a surprise where you decide to send her to.
Make sure the person is keeping their numbers in order avoiding any other papers so they don't go out of sequence. I always write the same directions down for myself, so if it does get out of sequence, you can get the person in the right order. If you are allowed more space to play the game, you can take it outside to play placing papers low enough for the child to reach or using more than one room.


I've played this game with my children and grandchildren and they always enjoyed that surprise ending and searching for clues. With my one grand daughter, we pretended she was Nancy Drew looking for clues. Boys like to play this game too and you can replant the papers to play again, but next time give them the highest number first and at number one's final step put the surprise.

August 29, 20070 found this helpful

Thanks for all of the advice.... But they never showed up to drop her off. Well, Thanks Anyway!

By Marie (Guest Post)
August 30, 20070 found this helpful

Pony beads are not expensive & fun for necklaces & bracelets. Also, stock up on school supplies when they are cheap at back to school time - scissors, crayons, etc. Two-pocket folders are cheap right now, & kids can decorate them with stickers, gel pens, & markers. Then they can use them at school.

August 30, 20070 found this helpful

thank ya!

By Gabriella P. (Guest Post)
December 15, 20070 found this helpful

I have no clue as what activities you can do because I only babysit babies and one 7 year old girl that likes boy stuff. If you want to earn extra tips try being like a nanny. Clean up after yourself and clean up the house a little bit. Parents love that! I earned 50$ last night because I watched this 7 year old and cleaned their house. Don't ask for the money either. When they ask you how much, just simply say, " What ever you think is an appropriate amount." Take my advice... It really works!

By Christina R. (Guest Post)
March 21, 20080 found this helpful

i always thought that these activities would be fun:
make overs
funny movies
paper crafts
designer drawings/sketches

By Chloe Johansen (Guest Post)
June 23, 20080 found this helpful

I just turned fourteen years old and I have to babysit a seven year old girl and her sister who just turned 5. I play fun games with them like decorating flip flops, playing 'dress up', doing makeovers by painting their nails a light pink polish color and bringing over my old clothes that they think are pretty, then doing little fashion shows and we pretend that they're going to a movie premiere in Hollywood and have popcorn. They will be bored of the movie after an hour. I hope this helped other babysitters who need tips on keeping their child busy, for they will have a load of fun!

By michele (Guest Post)
July 12, 20080 found this helpful

I'm 9 and my friend Ashley is going to watch me except I babysit too only my 3 year old nephew but I started when he was 1 year old.

By McKenns (Guest Post)
July 14, 20080 found this helpful

For a seven year old definitely bring play dough. Here are some more ideas:

color princesses
paint nails
watch a princess movie
play pretty pretty princesses
do a fashion show
Before you know it the night is over. Hope I helped.

By Karisa (Guest Post)
September 5, 20080 found this helpful

I am 12 years old, and right now I am baby-sitting a little 7 year old girl named Skylar. Well we are at my house and at first she didn't want to do anything! I offered her a little snack and we talked about HERSELF! Then after that I gave her some of my old toys to play with like my Bratz and horses and she is sitting here as happy as can be!

By audrie (Guest Post)
March 1, 20090 found this helpful

When I baby sit I usually see what they like to do. Most all kids under eleven like to play with stuff an average person would. You can make puppets from paper bags. You could get on line and print coloring sheets. You could get some high heels and stuff and let them have a fashion show. You could let them dance to music. You could take them to a park if there is one nearby. Take them for a walk. Make up some creative things out of old materials. Trust me, I do this all the time. It actually works.

June 20, 20180 found this helpful

i am 12 year old and am going to babysit a 6 year old am i mature enough to babysit her

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