
Cleaning Rust Stains From My Washing Machine?

I have a washing machine that is probably 6 or 7 years old. Every once in awhile I find a rusty residue on the laundry when I do a load. I have checked the inside of the drum and haven't found any rust. I contacted the manufacturer, and was told there is nothing one can do to resolve this problem, short of buying a new machine.


I am currently getting by, by running a cup of lime-away through it once a month, but the problem reoccurs. Does anyone have a solution to getting rid of rust stains on clothing or better yet stopping my washer from leaving the rust stains in the first place?

Donna from San Diego


August 17, 20060 found this helpful

I live in the country & am have a well.My husband puts a filter on under our mobil home, it removes rust from comming in. The filter catches the rust. We change it every 2 months. Check with Home Depo or Lowes.
Good luck, Sherry.

By carla bledsoe (Guest Post)
August 17, 20060 found this helpful

if you are on city water then you may have iron pipes from the meter to your house. if the water sets a while it gets rusty. sometimes it isn't actually rust. when we were on rural water (like city water in the country) we would get a flush of dirty water whenever there was a pipe being fixed or had burst somewhere up the line. the water people said there was nothing they could do about it so we had to get filters on our end to make sure it didn't mess up our laundry or (YUCK) the dishwasher.


we are on a well now and when the water tables get low in the hot weather we have the same problems. about all you can do is get a water filter and put it in where the water comes into your house. you could get smaller filters and put them on your sinks and your washer but in the end they would cost about the same as an in line filter for the whole house.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
August 17, 20060 found this helpful

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for Rust in washing machine


By r your name. (Guest Post)
August 17, 20060 found this helpful

For different reasons i have had to dismantle our washing machine it is worth doing as if you have children boys particularly the outside of the bowl can get clogged with dirt this is the reason why sometimes clothes dont appear clean so worth dismantling for that reason also quite often there are small metal objects such as pins nuts etc that sit at the bottom and rust suspect that could be the problem if the inlet water is clean most modern washing machines use stainless steel/plastic in the construction of the bowl so they dont rust.The earlier machines were steel with enamel which could chip and then would rust.See how that goes hopefully will fix the problem.brent nz

August 17, 20060 found this helpful

Are the rust spots on the clothes little orange dots? If so, my removal trick is a paste of cream of tarter and peroxide.


It doesn't need to sit on too long, enough to dry, then wash as ususal

By nanalori (Guest Post)
August 18, 20060 found this helpful

I had a large amount of rust, and couldn't figure out where it was coming from. One day as I was doing laundry I heard dripping on the washer. We live in an old house with metal pipes, and condensation was dripping off the pipes onto and into my washer! My hubby covered the pipes with foam and we moved the washer away from the pipes as best we could. I kept an old blanket on top of the washer for a few days to make sure the problem was solved. I couldn't get all the rust out of the washer, but now it is at least a solid stain and isn't rubbing off onto my laundry.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 696 Feedbacks
August 20, 20060 found this helpful

I had this happen and the rust was indeed coming from the washer....from the basket but it wasn't until the washer was very old. When I replaced it, I bought one that had a guarantee against that happening for a certain length of we shall see. It is now around 8 yrs old and so far so good. Actually I don't know that rust was getting on clothes but what finally happened is it rusted through to the point that it was leaking when I filled the washer and water was all over the floor of the laundry room. It was a slow leak but still it was too much of a mess to continue using the washer and because it was old, their was no reason to sink money into it....not sure anything could have been done anyway.


If you are not wanting to replace your washer....which I doubt you are when it's just 6 or 7 yrs old, then I guess you have to find a remedy for removing the rust from the clothes.

Why don't you do an internet search and see what you come up with if you didn't find the answer here.

I bought a product from QVC that takes out rust stains. I don't recall the name tho and I used it all. You just sprayed it and the rust disappeared before your eyes.

By Christy (Guest Post)
April 18, 20070 found this helpful

I began having rust spots on my laundry about 3 years after we bought our's not the BEST or most expensive washer, but I thought...COME ON! Turns out there are several spots in the basket that cracked and became rust spots...and they transfer onto our clothing when I do the wash. We can't get a new machine right now, so I have tried just about everything.


The only thing that has worked at ALL is to put CrazyGlu on the spots and let them dry-lid open-overnight. It works for a short's not the greatest, but it helps. If I didn't know to look, I'd have never noticed the tiny spots of enamel that cracked. Hope this helps SOMEONE!

By Lynette Hofer (Guest Post)
May 3, 20070 found this helpful

Putting Lemon Juice on the little rust spots will remove them. Works like a charm.

By Christene (Guest Post)
May 11, 20070 found this helpful

I have been experiencing the same problem. I just got my first apartment, the washer was a gift to me from my dad, and I can't exactly afford a new one. Reading the tips that others gave you was helpful, thankyou.

By Candy (Guest Post)
July 13, 20070 found this helpful

I occassionally get rust in my water from our well. This is my signal to change the filters that we use prior to the water coming into the house.


If you are washing whites, add 1/2 cup of iron out to your load. I either make sure to wash that load twice, or add ample amount of fabric softner because the iron out stinks. However, it makes clothes REAL white, and cleans out the washer of rust spots at the same time. Usually if you wash the whites first, the next load of coloreds won't have rust spots on them. Therefore, you guessed it, I add iron out to every load of white laundry. Keeps my clothes white, and washing machine clean!

By Carol (Guest Post)
August 22, 20070 found this helpful

I have had this same problem with 2 different washing machines. Every few loads I get rust spots (Brownish) on my clothes. I thought it was my first washer so I replaced it. Bought a new washer and it is still happening.
It's not the inside of the basin ( No Cracks, or rust areas). It's a new machine. This starting happening again about 3 months after I bought a new machine. So I am left with the question it must be my pipes. But I have no other signs of rust throught the house. My house is 14 yrs old.

By same issue (Guest Post)
August 29, 20070 found this helpful

I purchased my machine 6years ago and the same thing is happening to my clothes with rust rust and more rust on my clothes. What in the world is an annoyed young lady to do?

By Karyl (Guest Post)
November 12, 20070 found this helpful

I had the same problem. Go to Home Depot in the plumbing Department and located a product called Iron Out. I followed the directions on the container and I no longer have this problem. I had this problem for a couple of years and no one had an answer. This worked for me & I no longer have rust on my clothes. PS. - I continue to pour this stuff in my washer every other month. Just so I don't ever see this problem again. $4.99 is the cost of this product.

By Paulette (Guest Post)
January 30, 20080 found this helpful

Does anyone know how to get ink stains out of my washing machine so I can do a load of laundry?

By natasha (Guest Post)
March 20, 20081 found this helpful

Iron Out is amazing. I was having a problem with my whites suddenly becoming orange and now they are whiter than anything in the house. I also use Mrs. Stewarts bluing for my whites usually but it just wasn't helping with the rust. Now- beautiful clothes and no icky residue on the inside of my washer either. I am very happy with that product.

By smlwoman (Guest Post)
April 29, 20080 found this helpful

I just wanted to say thanks, I just bought a new used washer dryer set. Really nice, front loaders, and did my whites and got a ton of little orange rust spots all over my white clothes. I was furious, since one of the blouses were new. Found this site, and read your suggestions on the Iron out, went to Home Depot, picked some up, and tried it. It worked. And I had already dried some of the whites, and those came clean too. So I agree with everyone else. Use Iron Out.

By lu (Guest Post)
June 11, 20080 found this helpful

First question I would ask is do you have a well or well water? If you do it's probably iron bacteria in your well and it will need some servicing. I have a well and couldn't figure out why my whites were coming out with these odd orangy brownish spots, it was happening all the time and driving me nuts. So I started using bleach, not a good thing, it made it worse. After doing some research we had the problem diagnosed and apparently we have a iron bacteria problem in our well and bleach increases the effect, yikes. Here are some of the products I use and the work really well, only on whites. Rit color remover, iron out, whink and yellow out. Do not use these products on colors except really light yellow, off white and putty. good luck.

By Warren (Guest Post)
August 30, 20080 found this helpful

Check the bleach dispenser! Pull off the plastic funnel, and underneath you'll probably see severe rusting, as we did. To fix it, you have to scrape and sand off as much rust as you can, then spray with a rust-retarfdant paint.

By Dawn (Guest Post)
September 3, 20080 found this helpful

Put lemon juice on stains in clothing and put in sunlight to dry. Stains disappear. If it doesn't work the first time try it again. I am having same problem as you.

By Kramer (Guest Post)
September 7, 20080 found this helpful

I get random rust stains on my white clothes. I have a new Front load washer. The washer has a big rubber gasket around the front door opening (you know, where you sometimes have to shove the clothes through). The gasket has folds and I notice the folds gather rusty looking gunk over time so I kept a towel in the laundry room just for cleaning that off from time to time. But, today when I found rust stains on my white clothes, I pulled the gasket back away from the metal drum that spins and noticed a HUGE amount of this rusty gunky stuff all the way around where the gasket edging meets the drum (sitting on the rubber side not on the metal as the metal moves continuously). Does anyone know anything about this? We are on a well but have a filter system for the water as it comes in the house & have no other rusty water issues anywhere. We had a top load washer & had NO problems.

By Patti (Guest Post)
November 30, 20080 found this helpful

I used to have my washing machine in the house and had no problems with rust. I moved and I had to the washer in the garage. I started getting rust around the rim. I found that keeping the washing machine lid open when not in use helped reduce the rust. I'm going to sand and paint the rim when I get a chance.

By Dana (Guest Post)
December 4, 20080 found this helpful

What is this IRON OUT. Do you put it on your clothing or in the machine to get out rust /stains. I have had this problem for months now and it seems to just be getting worse. I do see visible rust spots in my drum but I have yet to do something about it because I was unsure till now. Would a tremclade spray or paint stop this as well?

By tony (Guest Post)
March 1, 20090 found this helpful

Also rust is likely under the agitator. Remove this and the inner tub to check for rust in the outer tub; sand and repaint.

June 28, 20090 found this helpful

I believe the man who suggested checking out the bleach dispenser was exactly right. I couldn't figure out why I rarely had problems with orange spots, and only on white clothes. But once I got some spots they were impossible to remove. I washed some work whites today. I don't usually don't use the bleach dispenser, I just dump the bleach in with the detergent prior to putting the clothes in.

While the washer was filling I pulled a soapy wet white washcloth out of the washer and wiped down the machine including squeezing water from the soapy wet cloth through the bleach dispenser just to clean up the machine. Now that I think about it, I only do this once in a while and only when I'm doing a bleach load. As I was taking the load from the washer I noticed quite a few of the dreaded orange spots on just one pair of white pants.

I found the post about checking the bleach dispenser. When I pulled the plastic dispenser from the machine, sure enough there was a bit of rust around the metal where the plastic dispenser fits. Now all I have to do is get some of the "Iron Out" as suggested for rust stains. Whoo Hoo. Thanks.

July 26, 20090 found this helpful

Thanks for the idea of checking the bleach dispenser! I removed mine & sure enough the paint had chipped off & I saw a rust spot about the size of a dime. I scrubbed the spot with bleach & an old towel, then sanded it lightly. To test it, I washed my dog's bedding & bath towels & they seem fine. Just to be on the safe side, I am applying dishwasher repair rack paint to seal it. Wish I would have known this before I washed my Oscar de la Renta & Christian Dior Robes! :((

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

June 11, 2008

My washing machine is ruining my clothes. It leaves dark orange stains on everything. What can I do to solve this problem? I have hard water, but my machine is leaving these rusty looking stains on just about everything but black clothes. Help!

Trisha from Goodsoil, Saskatchewan


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 290 Feedbacks
June 11, 20080 found this helpful

Had the same problem with a washing machine some years ago, where it was leaving orange rust stains on clothing.

Try filling the tub with some hot water and bleach and let it go through the entire cycle. And if that doesn't solve your problem, try my next suggestion.

Use a flash light and see if there are any medal areas in the washer that is coming in direct contact with the clothes during the wash or spin cycle. If you find any rusty spots paint over them with appliance touch-up paint. Around the inside of the tub is a rubber gasket. There are probably rusty areas on the medal that have to be painted.

By Shirley (Guest Post)
June 11, 20080 found this helpful

If you have iron in your water (usually why it is HARD), you can't use any bleach in the wash water or it will make the iron stain your clothes. Some of the detergents have bleach in them and this will also do it. Good luck.

By (Guest Post)
June 11, 20080 found this helpful

Probalby should get the clothes out immediately after washer is done. My washer's tub had a few spots that were chipped and when clothes were left overnight, they would have rust spots on them.

June 12, 20080 found this helpful

There is a product you can buy called "Iron-out". I've had to use it before in my washer because of the amount of iron coming through the water. I know you can buy it at Wal*Mart, in the Paper goods & chemicals section.

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September 12, 2011

My husband has never liked water conditioners. We have lived in our house for almost 20 years and my washing machine is spewing rust onto some of my clothes. Is there something like running vinegar or bleach through a cycle that will stop this?

By Patti K.


September 16, 20110 found this helpful

My father was an appliance service man, before he passed. Sometimes the transmisson in the washer can throw out grease. It is brown and ends up on your clothes. It happened to mine one time and he said that it was time to get a new washer.

June 22, 20160 found this helpful

I have had rust spots for a few months. The rust flakes are coming from the bleach dispenser and the soap and fabric softener dispenser. The moisture has caused the metal to flake. I guess I am getting a new washer. Very frustrating to buy new clothes and have them ruined.

September 10, 20160 found this helpful

I had the rust flake problem as well. In my case, the underside of the cabinet top had begun to rust on the edges of the opening. Apparently the vibrations during spin dislodged flakes and resulted in the stains. My solution was to clean off the rusted area and spray with epoxy appliance paint. Problem far.

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