I am looking for several ideas. I would like plans to build my own potters wheel, either kick or electric. I would also like to build my own kiln.
Check out this book: Building Craft Equipment, An Illustrated Manual by A. Jay and Carol W. Abrams.
I am in the process of building my own wheel (electric). I am following a design that I found online. Here is the link, I will let you know how it goes.
Also, if you haven't already, check out the site for some kiln suggestions.
For those of you who are looking to build your own pottery wheel, I have found a good basic template at
Put "Pottery Wheel" in the search box and their article "Build Your Own Potter's Kick Wheel" link will come up.
I looked in the Buute county library website and found a book called "Building Pottery Equipment". It was made in 1975 but I would check your library and see if they have it.
Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.
Can someone please help with plans for a pottery wheel and electric kiln? Thanks.
By Willie from Pretoria, SA
This is a page about making a kiln. You have taken some pottery classes and are now hooked. You have either bought your own wheel, are hand building, or perhaps you prefer sculpture. Now that your art piece is finished it is time to fire it.