
Dry Cracked Bleeding Fingertips?

A co-worker has very dry finger tips in the winter time. They split open and bleed and are painful. He always has them wrapped in bandaids and applies lotion to them periodically, but they keep cracking.


Any ideas?

By Mike

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December 10, 20093 found this helpful
Best Answer

Definitely! My hands used to crack open and bleed. I used to be in agony. Neutrogena Hand Cream. It is more expensive than regular lotions. It comes in a squeeze tube. I would put this directly in the cracks; worked on me like a charm. I keep this stuff handy. Other lotions would hurt my hands with these places but this was almost miraculous for me.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 147 Feedbacks
December 10, 20091 found this helpful
Best Answer

I use to have this problem. I started using vaseline. It really works. I use it every day & night on my hands, face, legs, arms & feet. Nothing else works as good as it, good luck.

November 13, 20180 found this helpful

I tried vaseline but it is of no help.

March 5, 20200 found this helpful

I use to put vaseline on my hands and put cotton on at night while I slept. It works wounders.

December 10, 20090 found this helpful
Best Answer

Check with the Doctor first, this is a sign of diabetes.
If the doctor approves it, use whatever cream or lotion you want, but use it at night in large amounts and cover the treated area with a cloth glove, and then a latex rubber glove.


Your own heat will make this spa treatment work and then once the skin is repaired it can be more easily maintained.

December 10, 20091 found this helpful
Best Answer

Lanolin--all natural, no petroleum. The kind for nursing moms works great, or get some from a health food store. You can also heat it up and mix it with olive oil.

The big thing is to take Vit. E internally. Start with 2 per day and see how it goes. Cheap, easy and important!

December 10, 20090 found this helpful
Best Answer

Bag Balm works great. It can be purchased at Farm Supply stores. It comes in a round tin and it is a real miracle worker!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 399 Feedbacks
December 11, 20090 found this helpful
Best Answer

Apply a thick, thick layer of Vaseline & cover hands with a sock (whatever) & leave on overnight. Works beautifully on hands & feet. However, this could be a sign of diabetes.

December 11, 20091 found this helpful
Best Answer

Witchhazel applied daily will help. I have the same problem every winter, the only relief I have found is Avon's Moisture Therapy in the blue & white tube. No other lotions work, no matter how much you apply them.


Another remedy I use is to dry my hands with a hair dryer at home (since I don't have a hand dryer like in stores). This helps to retain the moisture and heal the already damaged areas. It honestly does work. Be sure each time you wash hands in a public place to use the hand dryers and you will feel relief.

December 11, 20091 found this helpful
Best Answer

This is an old remedy from when I was a shampoo girl at a hairdressing salon.
Disposable Cotton gloves

At bed time:

Wash your hands, rinse and pat to almost dry
Mix a teaspoon of honey with 2 teaspoons of Vaseline.
Apply liberally to your hands, and put on gloves.

In the morning, remove gloves, wash hands to remove the mixture, apply a moisturizer. Repeat the moisturizer thru the day and repeat the nightly routine for as long as needed. Give it at least a couple of weeks to really soften and heal the hands.


The honey has natural anti-bacterial properties, and speeds healing and the Vaseline seals in the hands moisture.
I hope this helps.

December 11, 20091 found this helpful
Best Answer

I have the same problem. Lotions are great for preventing the cracks, but your friend already has the painful cuts SO there is a product called "new skin". Apply it to the crack and it will protect and prevent it from getting bigger. It burns at first but if you blow on it, that will take the sting out fast. I worked in an operating room for years and this stuff is just like Dermabond aka surgical glue. It's instant relief!

December 11, 20091 found this helpful
Best Answer

I have a problem with cracking on myhands, but not usually on the fingertips themselves. The best product available is called "Liquid Bandage." I buy the CVS brand. The pharmacist suggested it to me and I love it because bandaids are so bulky. It keeps the wound clean and safe from germs.


YOur coworker needs to find out what is causing his fingertips to crack. Maybe he is allergic to paper or something he handles a lot at work. I have noticed that paper dries out my hands a lot when I handle it. (I used to work in an office.)

Also, I am allergic to the preservatives in lotions and creams. They make my hands worse. So I'd suggest he be very careful as to what he puts on his hands. Vaseline is the very best over the counter product for hands. Apply it at bedtime. I have a prescription cortisone gel from the dermatologist. I suggest he sees a dermatologist. Its unfair to his coworkers to continue working with hands like his.

December 11, 20091 found this helpful
Best Answer

For me what has helped (get this around Christmas with all the baking dishwashing) is to put neosporin on the cracks, cover with bandages over night. If still not cleared up, use the next day as well. Just cleared a bad crack up in 3 days.


Hope this helps.;

December 11, 20091 found this helpful
Best Answer

I use Neutrogena Hand Cream to help prevent cracked fingertips but when I do get one, I clean the crack with hydrogen peroxide, let it dry and then seal it up with "super glue". When the glue dries my finger is not even sore anymore. By the time the glue comes off the crack is usually healed up.

December 11, 20091 found this helpful
Best Answer

I've used every one of these lotions, vasaline and gloves, you name it, but what finally really helped with the cracking and bleeding of my fingertips was to have a humidifier or a pan of water simmering in my house to add moisture to the dry winter air. It made a tremendous difference!

December 10, 20090 found this helpful

Silicone Glove Hand lotion by Avon

December 11, 20090 found this helpful

My hands did the same thing due to working with harsh chemicals. I slathered my hands with lotion(any that I had)and covered them with rubber gloves and wore them to bed at night. This stopped them from breaking open after just a couple of nights.

December 11, 20091 found this helpful

Try Zim's Crack cream. It is made for this problem. Find it at any drug store. Works great!

December 11, 20091 found this helpful

I have the same problem as your co-worker. Get him some corn husker lotion (it's oil free and comes in a clear bottle with a yellow label). It absorbs super fast but lasts a long time! It doesn't burn when applied to the split skin either. You can get it at Walmart or Walgreen's stores or CVS stores depending where you live.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 407 Feedbacks
December 11, 20091 found this helpful

Superglue is the best thing I have ever used. They use a form of it place of stitches a lot of the time now. Anyway, once the glue has dried the crack no longer stings and heals remarkable fast. My hands are in water a lot and so I may have to reapply after a day or so if not completely healed, but it works!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 213 Feedbacks
December 11, 20091 found this helpful

My husband had very dry skin and when he went to the doctor he mentioned this to him and told him that it was so dry it itched all the time. This is exactly what the doctor said: This is going to sound stupid but do not go and buy those lotions that are out there, save your money, go the the grocery store and buy a can of Crisco lard and rub some on your dry skin. This works better than the lotions that are out there. Rub some on everyday.

December 11, 20091 found this helpful

I used to work for a seed company. Picking field corn by hand. We used Corn Huskers Lotion. It really helped. Vick's Vaporub applied when ready for bed, with old socks over your hands is cheap, and works to soften and heal. Also keeps nose clear while sleeping, if you put hands near your nose. MUCH easier than Vasoline, to wash off the excess in the morning.

December 13, 20091 found this helpful

I have this problem also - and a recent yearly check-up shows that I do not have diabetes. There are products from beauty supply places that are similar to Superglue that you brush on like nail polish, but I imagine Superglue is cheaper. The Crisco idea sounds good too, as does vitamins, drinking more water and more moisture in the air. Good luck.

February 19, 20101 found this helpful

I live in Colorado where it is extremely dry! My dad and I had the same problem, fingers and thumbs would crack and bleed. I've tried everything! One thing I always have in my pocket was the miracle for me! Plain old chapstick! No more cracks, no more bleeding and no more pain!
I was out working one day, in the dirt, my thumb cracked and was bleeding and I didn't have any lotion or anything else. I was desperate and reached for the chap stick! It worked!

April 10, 20111 found this helpful

I use real butter with my meals almost daily. Whenever I get some on my hands I rub it in. Same thing with bacon grease or any animal fat. Rub it in. This and letting my dog lick my hands are the only things I've done different, and my fingertips haven't cracked for two seasons. I used to take Omega oil supplements. That did not prevent the occurence for me. Made me wonder why in the world plant oils would be a replacement for the animal (skin) oil we lose that results in dry skin. Too bad they don't have lotion made from human skin oil!
Prior to discovering this I tried all kinds of lotions, super glue, bandaids, and had pretty good luck getting them to heal and nipping them in the bud by cutting away the dried/dead edges with a nail clipper. Do this when the first sign of cracking appears, but careful, not too deep! Applying enough bandaid sheer strips with the gauze removed kept the area moist, so they wouldn't crack further, and helps hold the crack shut. Also make sure your fingernails have nice rounded corners.
I am so thankful to be rid of this suffering! Hope this helps someone else!

January 17, 20140 found this helpful

I have found that if I take krill oil my finger tips heal immediately. I use Dr Newtons since off the shelf brands from the big retail stores is junk.
I have tried everything out there--no luck til now. Cracked fingertips are no fun; this is my way of "pay it forward". no bull.

December 8, 20150 found this helpful

I suffered for four years with this exact fingers split in the corners around my finger nails and occasionally I would have splitting across the knuckles, but the fingertips splitting was the most painful part.. It was mainly the pointer finger, thumb and middle finger.. A dermatologist told me that it was contact dermatitis and prescribed fluocinonide ointment. That didn't really work and so I spent a fortune on expensive creams and treatments, bought a parafin wax spa, slept with aquaphor and gloves, tried keeping my hands out of water as much as possible but still the problem raged on every winter.. Until I read somewhere that this is actually a type of athletes foot that has spread to the hand.. I went on Amazon and bought a small tube of "Lamisil Once" for about $30.. I had a bath and then carefully rubbed it in all over both hands being careful to work it under the nails, then put on gloves and kept them on for 24 hours straight (-easier said than done) it was worth the effort.. My problem was completely and permanently solved! 100% cured for life! I would like to let that Dermatologist know how much suffering he could have spared me if he had diagnosed this issue correctly four years ago! I'm so happy that I don't have to deal with this issue ever again! Hallelujah!!!

October 24, 20151 found this helpful

After years of searching I found my problem to cracked and bleeding fingertips and rashes on my palms
I have been using a computer and mouse for over thirty years and my body will not take anymore of whatever chemical is leaching out of especially the mouse! I covered it with tape and within two days my hand cleared up! I guess I was getting to many toxins in my body! I sure hope this helps one! Person! If any because I know the pain!

March 4, 20200 found this helpful

what kind of tape? i've used duct tape for cracked heels but those are hidden by socks and shoes. Do you think wearing it on my fingertips overnight will have the same effect?

December 8, 20150 found this helpful

I suffered for four years with this exact fingers split in the corners around my finger nails and occasionally I would have splitting across the knuckles, but the fingertips splitting was the most painful part.. It was mainly the pointer finger, thumb and middle finger.. A dermatologist told me that it was contact dermatitis and prescribed fluocinonide ointment. That didn't really work and so I spent a fortune on expensive creams and treatments, bought a parafin wax spa, slept with aquaphor and gloves, tried keeping my hands out of water as much as possible but still the problem raged on every winter.. Until I read somewhere that this is actually a type of athletes foot that has spread to the hand.. I went on Amazon and bought a small tube of "Lamisil Once" for about $30.. I had a bath and then carefully rubbed it in all over both hands being careful to work it under the nails, then put on gloves and kept them on for 24 hours straight (-easier said than done) it was worth the effort.. My problem was completely and permanently solved! 100% cured for life! I would like to let that Dermatologist know how much suffering he could have spared me if he had diagnosed this issue correctly four years ago! I'm so happy that I don't have to deal with this issue ever again! Hallelujah!!!

July 20, 20160 found this helpful

I have dry skin on the top of my hands around the knuckles - its from the cold and painful red lines where the skin's gone raw. I have ben using the Made from Earth Aloe Jojoba Lotion for two weeks (once a day, before I went to sleep) has completely healed my skin. It's smooth to the touch and not the rough red mess it used to be.

October 3, 20180 found this helpful

Dermalmd psoriasis serum works better for my wife's dry and cracking finger tips than the prescription medication prescribed by her dermatologist. The cracked and bleeding skin at the end of her fingers has healed up.

January 24, 20190 found this helpful

Hoping this can help someone. With respect to the contact dermatitis questions. I had the splitting, dry bleeding fingertips for 8 years. I was told it was most likely a contact allergy but I had trouble figuring it out. It turns out, some of the water pipes in my house are very old (My shower water in the master bathroom). We had a shower leak and I switched to using a different shower in my house. After 8 years, I saw the problem just start going away and now it's gone. So, I sent shower water to a testing lab for both showers. It turns out my water was loaded with Nickel which is caused from old galvanized piping...and only in the master bathroom shower. The report also stated that the levels of nickel were consistent with skin allergies. It also turns out that Nickel is a common type of metal allergy. Hoping someone can benefit from this. I was wearing bandaids constantly for 8 years over this.

January 23, 20220 found this helpful

AntiFungal such as Lotrimin Ultra. Any brand that heals Athletes Foot, jock itch etc. Apply twice daily even after the cracked fingertips are healed. That was my downfall. I didnt apply when it didnt hurt.
Crazy but it worked!


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