
Housebreaking Problems with a Pomeranian?

September 1, 2005

A Pomeranian in a grassy yard.We have two puppies, one Sheltie and one Pomeranian. Both were acquired on the same day. The Sheltie understands to do his business outside, but the Pomeranian just can't get it about peeing inside versus taking it outside. He has the pooping down.


We have tried crate training, taking him out constantly, praising when he does go outside, getting up at 2:00 in the morning for 5 weeks now, etc.



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September 2, 20050 found this helpful
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Dogs will not use the bathroom where they must eat. If he has a favorite area he likes to tinkle in, try putting his food bowl there. You are doing correctly by taking him out first thing in the am, after every drink or meal, and before bed at night, in addition to several opportunities thru out the day. You may wind up moving the food bowl to a few different locations before he stops, but keep trying. You might also try a sml snack in addition to the praise just after he goes outside. Good luck!!! bbb

January 27, 20092 found this helpful
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Poms are a finicky breed, they usually like to stay clean. I have five pomeranians, Males are the hardest to train as they like to leave Pee-mail if they have not been fixed. Keep them in rooms without carpets as they don't like to get their feet wet. They tend to have more accidents in inclement weather. They like their routines so be consistent in their routines Puppy pads on a hard surfaced floor help. A carpet is the preferred place of relief for them as it does not splatter on their feet. Train them on hard surfaced floors if possible until they learn their routine. If they have an accident, turn the pad upside down to absorb the urine and clean the spot good on the floor.


save the puppy pad so the pom will smell the urine and use it the next time . After a while , he will prefer it to the hard surface. Another tip, buy under pads made for people at the warehouse stores as they are less expensive and larger.
Dogs do not like the smell of vinegar. Put vinegar in a spray bottle and spray whatever you don't want them to urinate on or chew up. Spray corners of furniture or drapes if you have an unfixed male. If they chew your shoes spray them daily until they loose interest in them. If this information helps one pom owner to appreciate this breed, the rewards will well be worth the effort.

February 25, 20100 found this helpful
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As far as playing around goes when you take your pom outside. Keep saying go potty and don't play with them just stand there. Be persistent and if you have a fenced yard go back in the house leaving the dog outside. They don't like that. Then after a couple of minutes go back out with him and take him to the same spot and tell him again "go potty" keep doing this and when they do go potty let them back into the house. They want to be inside with you and when they see going potty will give that reward they will go as soon as you take them out if they truly have to go.


My little boy goes immediately once outside but he won't go unless I am out there with him. I can't just kick him outside and shut the door. That doesn't work. He will become less clingy once he gets more secure with the fact you will be there when he is done. My older female used to be the same way but now she is happy to go out on her own. Like I said before....lots of love, patience and persistence and in time you will have the love of your life living in your home.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

December 27, 2018

My mom acquired a Pom. I am not sure of her age, I think she is under one. The lady that had her worked all the time and the dog stayed in a crate. We have trained many dogs. Never has she had a Pom. This dog seems untrainable! They were here over Christmas.

She was taken out more than enough times and she still pooped on my floor twice. She can be gone for 2 seconds and does it. So what action do you take when they mess up? She just picked it up and flushed it. No disciplinary action.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
December 27, 20180 found this helpful

That is good that you did not discipline her. It will be harder to train her since she is used to her old ways. Keep her on a strict feeding/walking schedule.


Praise her lavishly when she goes outside and ignore when she messes in the house. You may need a professional dog trainer if your efforts do not work.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
December 29, 20180 found this helpful

You mentioned that the dog did not receive any disciplinary training for accidents in the house. I sounded to me like that is exactly what your Mom was doing. Standard discipline requires ignoring accidents in the house while praising getting things right when going outside. Discipline means training, not punishment. It does sound like this dog may need longer to figure things out.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
January 14, 20190 found this helpful

How is the pup? Check with the vet to make sure there are no health issues and then get your vets directions to crate train. Every pup is different. Never discipline. Pups respond to positive stimuli.


Reward every time the pup does it right. Ignore when not the behavior you want. Crate training works if you are consistent. Prayers for all!! Post back how it is going!!!

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April 27, 2017

My Pom is now just over a year old and has not gotten the whole "only go outside" concept yet. He's kept in the kitchen when we're out or whatever. And he pees where he wants. I've read all sorts of articles and followed a bunch of plans and let him out often. I use the special sprays to clean up and the ones that are supposed to discourage peeing in certain places, but nothing has worked. He'll pee right next to his food without care. Sometimes we'll let him out for a few minutes. He uses the toilet and then comes in and pees right on the wall.

He also seems to do it right after I clean it up and use the spray to remove the scent which makes me feel like it's a marking thing. It's super annoying and I'm getting tired of it. He's usually good when he's in the living room, but there's been a couple incidents that we caught and stopped right away. We got him at about 12 weeks and the owner said he was house trained, but what she meant was he was allowed to go in and out of the house as he pleased and he always was outside when he went to the toilet.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
April 27, 20170 found this helpful

You need to take him to the vet to rule out any physical issues. If there are none, you might want to invest in a professional trainer.


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 138 Answers
April 29, 20170 found this helpful

Do you walk him on any sort of schedule? if not you should start. praise him when he goes outside and be with him, don't just let him out where you can't praise him right away

May 19, 20210 found this helpful

To be honest, the problem is you haven't trained your teacup Pomeranian properly. Due to lacking in training he is pooping inside the house. Obviously it takes time, but with time, he'll understand that he can only poop or pee outside the house.


If you have no idea about training him, you can take the help from a professional trainer.

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