
What to Do When the Toilet Doesn't Fill Back Up?

My toilet cistern which is fitted with an Armitage Shanks 8.5 inch inlet fill valve won't fill up.

Can anyone help me fix the problem?

By Kevster

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January 7, 20110 found this helpful

I am thinking about the piece, as I just replaced the whole piece with a generic part from Walmart for only $7.99. Mine quit filling and I did have some sucess for a short while by putting vasolene on the shaft and moving that part up and down that rises up and down with the water. I don't know if you can get what I am saying, but it worked for a couple of weeks until I could afford to buy the new one from Walmart. It might even be cheaper at a Home Depot or Loew's, although I find Loew's to be more expensive on the cheaper stuff.


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January 5, 2011

What would cause no water to come into the toilet tank, when you have water coming from the tub and the sink. We have to fill it by hand, then flush it. Please help. Thank you.




What to Do When the Toilet Doesn't Fill Back Up

The first thing that comes to mind is that most toilets have a faucets below it. If you have any little kids, that might be turned off. Check that first. Also sometimes people turn them off if the toilet is running.

Otherwise, something must be blocking the water pipe that brings the water to the toilet. You'll probably need a plumber for that.

Susan from ThriftyFun (04/08/2005)

By ThriftyFun

What to Do When the Toilet Doesn't Fill Back Up

Is the floating ball thing stuck in the "up" position? That is what makes the water valve open. (04/08/2005)

By beanygurl

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