
Help Acquiring Gourds For Crafts?

Does anyone grow gourds? I am looking for some kettle gourds or other large type gourds. I paint and craft these and I am running out of my favorites. I have plenty of the apple gourds and others that I paint. I love to make birdhouses as well as other crafts from gourd. Please contact me if you have any gourds!


Hardiness Zone: 6b

Kathy from Beattyville, KY

Editors Note: Here is a ThriftyFun article if you would like to know more about growing gourds yourself:

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Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 290 Feedbacks
November 21, 20070 found this helpful

Just the other day someone submitted a post about growing your own gourds.

I just did a search on thriftyfun and found this information.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 149 Feedbacks
November 21, 20070 found this helpful

seems like i saw someone selling them on ebay, not sure it was back before halloween though. also, if you have a local radio station in your town that does a 30 minute show where people sell there items you could call in saying you wanted to by some.


flea markets may sell them too or your local farmers market.

By Maggie (Guest Post)
November 22, 20070 found this helpful

Try this link- there are growers listed as well as state societies where you may come in contact with other artists near you.

November 26, 20070 found this helpful

Here is a website where you can order boxes of dried gourds.

By Nelda (Guest Post)
December 19, 20070 found this helpful

I started growing my own about 2yrs ago, but before that I bought them on e-bay. You might also check online for your state's gourd society.


The Tx State Gourd Society gives links to local growers as well as festivals and they always have plenty to sell.

By (Guest Post)
September 21, 20080 found this helpful

I have gourds if you are interested, they are almost ready for harvest, I can ship them to you, as soon as my daddy gathers them. You may call me 910-452--2917 or I can call you or email. I would be glad to send them to you. Also have the long leaf pine cones 4 to 8 inches. I was asking 50 cent for the small and 1.00 for the 8 in. They are pretty. Thanks, Janet Wilmington, NC


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