
Remedy for Stubborn Underarm Odor?

I've tried everything for my underarm odor, to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions? I've tried baking soda, lime, and lemon juice. This problem is very embarrassing and its starting to make me feel depressed!


By tina

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Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 690 Feedbacks
November 29, 20100 found this helpful

Have you asked your Doctor or the drug store? I got better results w/an all natural one from the health food store. No dyes, perfumes or chemicals.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 124 Posts
November 29, 20100 found this helpful

I read somewhere of a lady who cured her problem with a variety of remedies. She said she washed her underarms in the morning then made a paste from Bicarbonate of Soda (Baking soda) and water and applied to each armpit. This was then rinsed off and patted dry. Then she dabbed the area with Listerine mouth wash (as it's anti-bacterial) and left to air dry. Then applied a good deodorant. I think she used the Listerine before she went to bed too.


I hope you find a cure,
Best wishes,
Monique :)

October 25, 20170 found this helpful

this really works well. have done the same many times. Listerine is an anti bacterial, which actually kills the bacteria's. armpit cold be cleaned with listrine anytime of day when one is having an unpleasant smell, it will leave you with a pleasant smell, clean and fresh nderarm


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 64 Requests
November 29, 20100 found this helpful

I'm menopausal and suffer badly from hot flashes and night sweats. So you can imagine the problems I had with underarm odor. Especially during the summer. What worked for me is those crystal rocks that you moisten with water and rub into your underarms.


I still get the hot flashes but at least I have no underarm odor!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
November 29, 20100 found this helpful

The biggest culprit for body odor is the foods you eat. What comes out of your body (including the odor of urine) reflects what you put into it. Try reducing the amount of red meat, onions, garlic, exotic spices, and drinks like coffee and alcohol and eat more fish, poultry, whole grains, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables and raw nuts. Try this for two or three weeks and I am certain you will see it makes a huge difference.

Some health issues and some medications can also cause body odor so if you have health issues or take medications ask your doctor if this might be the culprit and what other food changes you might need to make for your personal circumstance.


As a personal testimonial; I no longer need to use any type of deodorant. I have it on hand only for "what if I need it" emotional worries. The same Secret Powder Fresh Scent container has been sitting in my bathroom drawer for over two years. ;-)

November 29, 20100 found this helpful

I've had the same problem my whole life. People don't get it. Lately I am using Mitchum for ladies in the solid in the rose petal scent. This is workin pretty good. I have had so many people give advice on this and nothing works. You can also put your deodorant on at night and this helps. Good Luck. :)

November 29, 20100 found this helpful

Dr. A. Weil recommends that you use rubbing alcohol. It will kill the bacteria that causes the odor. I use a spray bottle and spray it on, or splash some in the palm of my hands to rub it under my arms.


I keep it up and it works for me.

April 19, 20200 found this helpful

I have used that for years and works great for all day and longer! I have mostly used the higher alcohol strength with out diluted.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 450 Feedbacks
November 29, 20100 found this helpful

Make sure you keep your underarms shaved all the time. Hair holds the odor worse than anything.

November 29, 20100 found this helpful

Hello, I use to have the same problem. I now use hand sanitizer- (purell, germ-x etc.) It's the only product that worked for me. Good Luck!

May 31, 20180 found this helpful

Please do not rub anything with triclosan into your pits unless you want breast cancer!

November 29, 20100 found this helpful

I've had the same problem since the start of menopause. I use white vinegar to take care of the problem. Just splash it on like a man does aftershave.


Also sanitizers will do if you are out and about and forgot to put on the vinegar. Keep a sample size in each vehicle, purse, etc. Hope this helps.

November 30, 20100 found this helpful

I used to have that problem. But as soon as I started taking Zinc supplement within a short time all body odor seemed to stop. I take one zinc tablet every morning and the underarm odor has lessened to being almost gone. I forget to use dedorant most of the time now.

December 6, 20170 found this helpful

Can I ask what type of zinc supplement your drinking and how many milligrams?

December 2, 20100 found this helpful

Every one of these are great tips, especially keeping your underarms shaved. Using alcohol seems like it would be very drying and eventally irritating. For me, I decided to try one of the original deodorants on the market - Tussy roll on (goes on wet so give it a minute to dry; we're not used to that anymore). Plus, it is very cheap in price. I love it, and it still works even the 2nd day. PS- I also agree with lynjohnson's idea of putting deodorant on at night-I always have, and then again in the morning. I am sure you will find a solution that works for you among all the excellent suggestions.

December 6, 20100 found this helpful

My Daughter also had this problem and I found that liquid chlorophyll (known to be a blood purifier) cured the body odour issue. Good Luck.

January 18, 20160 found this helpful

Do you drink this? If so how much and where do you find it?

May 22, 20110 found this helpful

Chlorophyll helps me too. I like the liquid with mint flavor (and no copper which gives it a nasty taste). A swig every morning usually lasts all day. I also notice I don't smell as bad (before the chlorophyll) if I remember to drink more water and eat a lot more fresh fruits and veggies.

June 18, 20120 found this helpful

I've suffered with underarm odor for years. Long story short. After bathing swab your underarms with alcohol. Then take a cotton ball/swab dipped in Milk of Magnesia (store brand cheaper) I've been doing this for two months and haven't had any problems. What a relief since I live in Las Vegas where temps are reaching triple digits.

January 11, 20150 found this helpful

I found it helpful to use white vinegar under my arms after my morning shower. I let it dry and then use Arm and Hammer natural deodorant. I always make sure my armpits are shaved too. It really helps.
Terri K.

May 8, 20160 found this helpful

Arm & Hammer Natural deodorant works well because it has triclosan in it. It's toxic, so be leary. It kills bacteria. Same thing that is in anti-bacterial soap. I would only use the Arm & Hammer on occasion to kill stubborn smells.

November 20, 20160 found this helpful

I just looked this up and arm and hammer had to pay 1.9 mil because the ingredients weren't "Natural" because of the triclosan. Some studies showed triclosan may cause hormone imbalances.

August 6, 20163 found this helpful

Hi. I suffered from armpit odor since elementary school. Just recently I finally got it controlled. I'm 31 years old. I had a regime. I would scrubbed my armpits in the shower, like 3 times. Due to old deodorant residue. Then I would put hand sanitizer. It will sting, please blow. Then hydrogen peroxide. Bacintracin. Then my arrid or degree deodorant. Then finally a splash of peeixidr over the deodorant.. it's what helped. But then it started itching due to over drying. Finally I went to the dermatologist and confessed my regime. They prescribed me Clindamycin phosphate topical solution. I'm using that now. And it's a SUCCESS! I been using it for 3 days, with my degree of Sheer Powder, OMGOSH, MY ARMPITS smell amazing! ! I can't stop sniffing myself! Thank you God! It's an emotional moment.

September 23, 20160 found this helpful

Hi can you please post a picture of the Clindamycin phosphate topical solution thanks

June 12, 20180 found this helpful

How many times a day do you apply the solution? My dermatologist just prescribed this to me also and I hope it really works for me. He really didnt give any directions it just says use as directed daily for 1 month. Ive been just applying at bedtime but think I should do it at least twice a day.

July 24, 20181 found this helpful

The dermatologist just prescribed Clindamycin Topical Solution as well. He said to use it twice a day. But don't remember if she can put on deodorant right after. He also said for her to use the Mitchum anti perspirant roll on

April 23, 20190 found this helpful

Hi, is this over the counter or do I need to go to the dermatologist to give me a prescription

May 10, 20191 found this helpful

Clindamycin is available by prescription from your dermatologist. I was prescribed the swabs (they are originally used for acne treatment) and it's applied twice a day.

June 25, 20190 found this helpful

Have to get a prescription.

June 25, 20190 found this helpful

Have to get a prescription.

July 2, 20190 found this helpful

i have also been using clindamycin for a month now. however, i am noticing that my armpit has gotten darker and very sensitive.

September 28, 20210 found this helpful

Pls. Post the image of clindamycin topical solution. So that i will recommEnd it to my friend too.

August 10, 20190 found this helpful

I went to the dermatologist and was prescribed clindamycin gel as well - twice a day thin layer - prescription only.


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