
Something is Biting Me in My Apartment?

I don't know what it is. We moved into another apartment and my daughter and I are infested with bites. One person is telling me it's fleas, someone else is telling me its bed bugs. So I really don't know what they are. I gave her home remedies, oatmeal bath, baking soda in bath water and she seems to not itch as bad. Every time she comes to my place for a visit she is infested with bites. Please help. Suggestions are a must. Thanks.


By Dawn from Nova Scotia, Canada

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 186 Feedbacks
August 5, 20100 found this helpful

If it is bed bugs you will be able to tell by looking in the creases/seams of the mattresses. I don't think you will be able to see the actual bug, but I have seen pictures and it sounds and appears that they leave something like signs/trails in those areas.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 109 Feedbacks
August 5, 20100 found this helpful

Sounds to me it is time to fumigate. And since you rent it is a responsibility of the owner. They should pay for a professional exterminator to rid the apartment of the problem. And they NEED to get a professional to make sure they treat for the correct problem.


If they just get a bug spray and do it themselves it may not resolve the problem. If they give you a hard time about the problem you have rights as a renter and I am sure someone in your city government would listen.

August 7, 20100 found this helpful

Bed bugs should leave tiny red marks on the sheets, where they excrete blood as they bite during the night.
It could be fleas, if the previous owner had pets.
You can try putting one of the sticky glue mouse 'traps' out under the edge of the couch, while you are sitting there. If there are fleas, they should get stuck to the glue.
You can try over the counter sprays and treatments, but if you do, always follow the label directions.
But if you are a renter, I would notify the manager, then proceed higher if you get no results.

August 10, 20100 found this helpful

You're definitely infested with something, probably bedbugs, fleas or lice.

August 11, 20100 found this helpful

The answer is in the bite and the fact that it itches. I would try to figure it out what's going on by what the bite looks like. Google "flea bite photos" and see what a flea bite looks like. If it's not that, then put in "bed bug bite photo" and see what that looks like.


If you are primarily getting it while you sleep, then also put in "spider bite" since there are some that bite.


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