
Growing Guernsey Lily

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Guernsey Lily
Botanical Name: Nerine bowdenii
Life Cycle: perennial
Planting Time: summer or fall
Height: 12" to 24"
Exposure: light shade
Soil: rich, well-drained soil
Hardiness: hardy to zones 7-10 outdoors
Bloom Time: early fall
Flower: rose to pink in color; clusters of up to 10 flowers
Foliage: long, green, blade-like leaves that begin to grow only after flowers open and continue to grow until the following summer. As the plant prepares to send up new flower stalks, the leaves die back and the cycle repeat once again.
Propagation: bulbs
Suggested Use: beds, borders, cut flowers, rock gardens and containers
Growing Hints: Plant bulbs in mid summer or early fall. The bulbs should be planted about 8 inches deep and spaced about 8 inches apart. Guernsey lilies will flower in mid summer and follow with leaf growth, which will remain green and actively growing until flower stalks appear the next season. These lilies also grow well in crowded containers and can be taken indoors over winter in cooler zones and set in a sunny room. Plant bulbs so tips are even with the soil's surface. Water when the tips of the flower stalks first appear and continue to water until the leaves start to grow. Apply a light fertilizer for the benefit of the leaves every 4 weeks during the growing season and keep soil moist. Cease watering when leaves start to naturally die back. Plan on repotting them every 4 to 5 years.
Interesting Facts: Guernsey lilies are resistant to deer and rodents.

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