Silver Post Medal for All Time! 277 Posts Some of the many uses of WD40:
- Use to loosen rusty nuts and screws, clean garden tools
- Cleans piano keys
- Keeps wicker chairs from squeaking
- Lubricates small rolling toys
- Keeps garden tools rust-free
- Cleans patio door glide strip
- Removes crayon from clothes dryer (make sure to unplug dryer first)
- . . .
By imaqt1962 from Illinois
Editor's Note: This is from the WD-40 2000 Uses List, located on their website. Click here to download the entire list. To access their website, here is the link:
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My tip is to make the most out of your WD-40! The stuff has more than 2000 uses. I use mine for shining up my cupboards by spraying it on and wiping it off, for shining up my shower and bathtub (just make sure not to spray it on the floor of the shower), and it's especially good for wiping fingerprints off of furniture (just to be safe, spray the WD-40 on a cloth).
By Lisa Trudeau
More Answers:
Uses for WD40
Wd 40 has many uses, some of them are.
- Protects silver from tarnishing
- Cleans and lubricates guitar strings
- Gets oil spots off concrete driveways
- Gives floors that "just waxed" sheen, without making it slippery
- Keeps flies off cows
- Removes dirt from bbq grills
- Removes tomato stains from clothing
- Removes stains from stainless steel sinks
- Loosens stubborn zippers
- Untangles jewelry chains
- Removes Lipstick stains
- Restores and cleans chalkboards
- Keeps ceramic and terra cotta pots from oxidizing
- Keeps shower doors free from water spots.
- Camouflages scratches in ceramic and marble floors
- Keeps scissors working smoothly
- Lubricates noisy, rusty door hinges on vehicles and doors in homes
- Gives children's play gym slide a shine for a super fast slide
- Lubricates gear shift and mower deck lever for ease of handling on riding mowers
- Rid rocking chairs and swings of squeaky noises
- Lubricates tracks in sticking windows and makes them easier to open.
- Spraying an umbrella stem makes it easier to open
- Restores and cleans padded dashboards in vehicles as well as vinyl bumpers.
- Lubricates and stops squeaks in electric fans
- Lubricates, wheel sprockets on tricycles , wagons , and bicycles
- Lubricates fan belts on washers and dryers, and keeps them running smoothly.
- Keeps rust from forming on saws and saw blades and other tools
- Removes splattered grease on stoves
- Keeps bathroom mirror from fogging
- Keeps pigeons off the balcony (they hate the smell)
- Removes all traces of duct tape and the glue from sale labels
- I have even heard of people spraying it on their arms and knees to relive arthritis pain
- It is used on the Statue of Liberty to protect it from the elements.
- W.D. 40 attracts fish, spray a little on live bait or lures and you will be catching the big one
- Use it on ant bites to take the sting away.
- Use it to removing crayon from walls, spray on mark and wipe with a clean cloth
- If you spray it on your distributor cap it will displace the moisture and allow the car to start
- Removes black scuff marks on floors
By Susan from Hamilton (01/19/2005)
The Many Uses of WD-40
Used as a pre-treater, WD-40 also removes blood and ink stains from clothing. Just spray on a little, let set for a minute or so, wash.
I use it on the fragile cooling grid of my air-conditioners. Using a toothbrush sprayed with WD CAREFULLY brush onto vent. It helps remove dust not caught by the filter and helps stop new dust from getting to the cooling coils. (07/02/2005)
By Becky