
Meet The Teacher Night

If your school has a "Meet the Teacher Night", this is a wonderful chance for your child to view their new classroom, learn where it is located, perhaps meet a few of their new classmates, and most importantly, get to actually meet the teacher while Mom and/or Dad are there to make them feel a bit more comfortable. Look at where their desk is and note 1 or 2 of the names on the desks closest to them and talk to your child about something that they could say to Susie or Johnny to help encourage them in making that first overture of friendship.


This may sound obvious but it never ceases to amaze me how many parents don't do this. At least 2 weeks before school starts put your student back onto their school time sleep schedule, also have them eat breakfast and lunch as close to the time that they will be doing so once school starts as possible. Remember that until age 12 your child needs a minimum of 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night.

This all comes from years of teaching and loving children. Enjoy them, all too soon they will be grown.

God bless.

By Shari from Greer, SC

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By Barbara J Snyder (Guest Post)
August 19, 20080 found this helpful

They also have things called Kindergarden camp since my child is autistic we decided to not let her go and instead we are taking her to the new school today to meet her new teacher and we as parnets look around at the new school that was built. The camp was at another school in the same district.


I will be able to meet her teachers and maybe aids and also to feel much more comfortable with just about everything and also give the teacher some more tidbits about her and her moods. As for the sleep schedule well working on that on. Hard though.


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Parenting School AdviceAugust 14, 2008
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