
Getting Rid of Mice Naturally?

How can I get rid of mice naturally in my house?

By cshell


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January 6, 20110 found this helpful
Best Answer

I hate that I did this, but when we had a mice invasion in our home a few years ago I finally gave into my husband's suggestion of poison. Previously, at my insistence, we tried several different catch and release gadgets and home remedies with absolutely no success. Too boot, our older, indoor cat was merely amused by watching the critters run away and honestly thought she had done all that was expected by just observing! She was 12 years old that winter and had never seen a mouse in the house, let alone the yard, so really was a well intended, sweet natured, pet!


I'm not "scared" of mice, but it does freak me out when I see one out of the corner of my eye scurrying across the INDOOR floor. (Yes I've been known to scream and jump up insanely, again, just startled, not frightened. Okay, I confess, my husband didn't believe this story either: Scared me silly as that less than golf ball sized, brown, blob with legs ran across the floor in the room we shared!)

Then I got irritated when one or some got into an unopened box of Bisquick in the pantry. (Darn it, I wanted pancakes for breakfast that morning.) What signed their death warrant was mouse droppings on a skillet in a cabinet with no food, how dare they?

I'm sorry the critters died but they were not invited guests and couldn't take a hint that they were not welcomed in our home. Seriously, we captured a snake in a pillowcase once (he got in via the dirt floor basement of our very old home) and released him into the wild. The only bugs I kill outright are flies and mosquitoes as others are usually caught and released. But these mice, these fast and furious and hungry mice, refused to cease, desist and evacuate even with a free pass (the humane traps.)


Not advocating killing all pests, but some just need to go, regardless! Hoping your mice get smart and leave but if not, it's your house, not theirs so act accordingly, ASAP! If you can find a "natural" way, please share such. Otherwise, I understand! :-)

January 7, 20110 found this helpful
Best Answer

Find all the entrance holes to your house, anything larger than the size of a quarter. Fill holes with steel wool (medium to fine) and one moth ball. Also place steel wool and moth ball into any holes around pipes like under sinks. Close up any access that they may have to your cupboards. Make sure doors close tightly and there are no holes or access points into your cupboards on the inside of the cupboard. That should help prevent the return of the mice.


Next place good old spring type mouse traps near your garbage can, but out of the way of you stepping on the trap. Bait trap with peanut butter. This will catch any inside of the house. Next, is there anywhere nearby that the mice can be breeding. If you live in the country, there isn't anything you can do, however, if you live in the city the mice may be breeding nearby and entering your house for food.

For me, the mice were breeding in an old abandoned truck on my neighbours property. Once the truck was gone, so were the mice.

January 8, 20110 found this helpful
Best Answer

Mother Earth News is on sale right now for only $10 a year! Great for natural solutions!
There is an ad in there for "Fresh Cab"..... don't know what the name means, but it looks like small little pouches and says it is the safest, most effective rodent repellent available. No poisons! You can find out more at or by calling them at 800-583-2921.


I haven't tried these as eucalyptus sprigs around the house seem to work well for me, but if you are really having problems getting rid of them, you might give these folks a try.
Also, try getting the magazine. It is cheap for the year and will teach you allkinds of neat solutions, earth friendly ways of doing things, and much much more. I love the magazine. Mom got it for me for Christmas but I have been a fan at the library for years. Go figure I could have had my own for only $10 a month!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 109 Feedbacks
January 4, 20110 found this helpful

Get a cat, most natural method in existence. I have also heard there is some kind of smell that mice don't like and they leave the area alone. I think it was mint, but maybe someone else can verify.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 690 Feedbacks
January 5, 20110 found this helpful

Since I was a child I've been petrified of mice. My next door neighbor (God bless him) sets my traps and empties them if one is caught. Then I read somewhere (on here maybe) to put peppermint oil on cotton balls and place them where needed.


That was 3 months ago and not one mouse anywhere. It's the dead of winter here also. :)

January 7, 20110 found this helpful

There are traps available in stores that catch the mice but do not kill them, They can then be tossed out. Anyway until you plug the holes where they get in you will get more later. Once that is done, that's all.

January 7, 20110 found this helpful

Like 'Suntydt' said, get a cat. But be certain it's a "natural" cat.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
January 8, 20110 found this helpful

The cat method has always worked for me. Far more effective than anything else. And do not use mothballs. They are terribly poisonous, and the smell is intolerable to humans; I don't know how anyone can tolerate it at all. And should that smell permeate your house, you really will have a problem!


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 59 Requests
January 16, 20110 found this helpful

March 18, 20160 found this helpful

Sprinkle Cinnamon and red crushed pepper flakes where you see the mice, this should act as a deterrent. Hope this helps:)


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