Studies say that you are less likely to be able to keep a January resolution due to fatigue and post holiday stress syndrome... So, why wait until January to resolve to make a lifestyle improvement? Our family made a "New Year Resolution" starting with the first day of school:
Mom's was to have a devotion book in the car to read on the drive to school and to rotate the evening meals Grace between all family members.
Dad said he didn't need to make any lifestyle improvements (but he didn't ask us for suggestions! haha)
DD, age 14, said she was going to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into her diet.
DD, age 8, said she would remove all school papers from her back pack and place in the designated spot for mom and dad to sign.
So far we are doing great with these resolutions. Some other ideas your family could adopt:
Eat dinner together at least 5 evening a week
Have children pack their own lunches (during after dinner cleanup to limit the mess.)
20 minutes of reading each night (a child can read mom or dad a bedtime story.)
Go to bed on time (or 5 minutes early)
TV and technology free day (it's Tuesdays in our house. We work outside, play games, talk or read.)
Think about a new habit you wish to develop and try making a "New Year Resolution" at a new time of the year! You'll be amazed at your success!
I'd love to hear some of your suggestions.
By Diana from Prospect, KY