
Shopping Cards

If you shop at a store that has a shopping card (like so many do nowadays), make sure the cashier scans it before any groceries are rung up. Otherwise, you might not get the sale price. I learned this the hard way the other night when we were overcharged almost $40 because the cashier scanned some items first, then scanned our card. It took almost an extra hour at the service desk to get it straightened out.


By Camilla

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February 17, 20050 found this helpful

Aren't those cards a PAIN! Safeway started this mess with the cards, saying that if we used the cards, we wouldn't have to clip coupons. Ha! Now we have to use the cards and they have started issuing coupons again as well. Every store has a different practice besides. Like you said, sometimes they need the card at the beginning of the transaction and sometimes at the end. What a hassle.

February 18, 20050 found this helpful

I worked for two years at a major grocery store. I can tell you now that scanning your card first is a should do. now, most of the discounts will come off at the end, but there is a chance to loose some too! Its all to do with the person at the computer. if you have a responsible (which is hard to find today) person that is constantly keeping up with the programming of sales and such, then you wouldnt have any problems, but your relying on one to three people to take each product in the store, typing in the codes, and typing in the prices, for them to scan the correct price, and with prices changing either daily or weekly, there will be an issue with the price.


you should always know the price of what your buying and watch the scan price, and stop the cashier if you feel uncomfortable with whats scanned. I know that will make an issue with not only the cashier,(not if it were me!) and the other customers, but just realize that no one else cares about the money you are loosing out on, so you are just going to have to stand firm and get the price you are promised!
hope this helps!


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