
Grubs Eating Marigolds

June 12, 2006


My grandma is having trouble with grubs eating her marigolds does anyone have something that you can use from your kitchen (home remedy) that might help her with this problem? Thanks!

Mandi from Erie



There are not really any home remedies for controlling grubs, other than waiting until it rains and stomping around on the lawn wearing aerating sandals (they surface when soil is moist). A grub is the larvae stage of many different types of beetles, so it helps to know what type of grub your dealing with. The most common is probably the grub of the Japanese beetle, which typically feeds on plant roots. Coincidentally, marigolds are said to repel adult Japanese beetles. There are two organic methods commonly used to control them in the larvae (grub) stage. The first is to apply nematodes in the spring or early summer as a mulch or top dressing. The second is to apply milky spore disease (Bacillus popilliae) to grassy areas around the garden. This is often sold under the names Doom or Grub Attack in garden centers. These bacteria are both biological controls that work against grubs in different ways, but the end result is the same.


Good Luck!



By Aquarius (Guest Post)
June 14, 20060 found this helpful

I am not sure if it will work on grubs, but I have had trouble with slugs and some sort of bug eating leaves on my plants. I have done 2 things. First slugs will not climb over egg shells. I crumble them and sprinkle around the plants. I also sprinkle cayenne pepper all over. It is cheap if you buy at a bulk food store. Only problem with cayenne pepper is, you have to resprinkle after a rain. The cayenne will also keep, rabbits, dogs and cats out. I have had a LOT of luck with these remedies. Good Luck and happy gardening Grandma.

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