
Keeping Tall Candles In Their Holder?

I need the solution for keeping tall candles to stand firmly in the candle holder without falling constantly. Please help.

Sheilaewton from Tucson, AZ


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By Jean (Guest Post)
August 2, 20060 found this helpful

Light the candle and let a little of the wax drip into the candle holder (enough to cover the bottom of the holder). Put the candle in while the wax is still hot. Hold it in place for a few seconds. The wax will harden and hold the candle in place.

By Laurie (Guest Post)
August 2, 20060 found this helpful

Try wrapping a thin rubber band around the bottom of the candle before placing it in the holder.

By Irene (Guest Post)
August 2, 20060 found this helpful

I hot glue mine.

By sue (Guest Post)
August 2, 20060 found this helpful

I do something like Jean, I hold a match to the bottom of the candle and soften the wax, then I put it into the holder. This saves cleaning up accidental wax drips for klutzes like myself.


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August 2, 20060 found this helpful

You can buy some soft moldable wax/putty-like stuff at Wal-marts for less than $1 for this. It is reusable indefinitely, lots easier to clean up than melted wax, and works wonderfully.

August 2, 20060 found this helpful

Wrap clear packaging tape around the end of the candle until it is thick enough to stand upright.

July 18, 20100 found this helpful

I use tin foil as it is easy to shape and it stands the heat.


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