
Tiki and MamaSan (Japanese Bobtail)

This is Tiki and MamaSan. Tiki is about four and MamaSan is about seven. Both are part Japanese Bobtail. These are our "loaner" cats. They belong to our middle daughter and family. They brought them back when they returned from being stationed in Japan (my S-I-L is in the Navy). They lived in Nevada for three years. When the kids moved to England this last summer, they would have had to quarantine the cats for several months so we have them for three years.


They mainly like to sleep. Tiki is fond of being outside, but with the current foot of snow on the ground and sub-freezing temperatures has been happy to sit on her cat tower and look out. MamaSan likes to sleep on the couch or the recliner in the family room or on the floor in front of the small space heater (radiator) we have there. Sometimes they go to the door and look out. I think they are looking for a door into summer.

By Marie from Olathe, KS

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 180 Feedbacks
February 1, 20100 found this helpful

I know, my cat waits at the door (Kitty TV I call it) to see the leaves flying around outside. I open the door and it's cold/snowy/rainy/windy.


She looks at me as if I programmed it wrong. Spring will come. We both cannot wait.


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Photos Pets CatsJanuary 30, 2010
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