This treat bag/package topper is created from recycled materials and is a great alternative to the standard gift bow.
Approximate Time: about 30 minutes
- 4 inch piece of cardboard tube
- ruler
- pencil
- scissors
- acrylic paint and foam brush
- construction paper
- paper doily or other embellishments
- hot glue gun and glue sticks
- Use acrylic paint and foam brush to paint a 4-inch piece of cardboard tube inside and out. Allow to dry.

- Slightly flatten the cardboard tube and mark it off in half-inch increments.
- Cut it into 8, half-inch pieces. You will have 8 pieces that resemble flower petals.

- Apply glue on 1/4 inch of the bottom end of one piece and glue it to another piece. Continue until all 8 pieces are glued together to resemble a flower.
- Cut 4 small hearts of equal size (about 1 1/2 inches) from construction paper.

- Glue hearts to top of flower, with points of hearts toward center.

- Add an embellishment to the top of the hearts. I used a circle cut from a gold doily, but you could glue on a button, circle of lace, loose pearls, or other embellishment.

- Now you are ready to glue the topper to a treat bag or wrapped package.

By Rachel's Mom from Wilkesboro, NC