
Homemade Slim Fast Recipes

January 27, 2005

Slim Fast BottleCarnation Instant Breakfast has the same ingredients as diet drinks, such as Slim Fast but is much much cheaper. You really get more for your money using instant breakfast instead of diet drinks. This way you can control the type of milk you use to skim, 1%, 2%, or whole.


By Diana Rose


4 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

June 18, 2007

Does anyone have the recipe for Slimfast? Or something similar.


By (Guest Post)
June 19, 20070 found this helpful

Slimfast is not good for your body. If you are trying to lose weight there is no miracle drink that will fill you up and give your body the nutrients it needs. The best thing you can do is eat healthy foods in normal portions. If you are looking for an "on the go" alternative for breakfast I would suggest a healthy smoothie with real fruit, nonfat yogurt, and ice.

By CAMILLA (Guest Post)
June 19, 20073 found this helpful

Slimfast is basically reconstituted powdered milk mixed at twice the amount of powder to water, then whatever flavoring you want, plus vitamins and sometimes fiber.


A meal substitute drink for occassional use can be made by reconstituting powdered milk at twice the amount of milk powder to water. You can add any flavoring you wish. Usually I add whey protein powder. and sometimes a fiber product such as metamucil.

Carnation instant breatfast (or generic equivilant) can be used, mixing with twice the amount of powdered milk, adding anything else you would like. This might make more calories than you care for, but this is the formula we taught our patients to use for a less expensive substitute for Ensure.

Using some yougert, fruit, juice, etc with the basic mix can make quick easy and nutritious meal replacement. I like to use these for a quick breakfast. Most drinks taste better if mixed ahead of time.

Take your multivitamin pill with your drink.

By JudyR (Guest Post)
June 22, 20072 found this helpful

I don't have a recipe..
But SlimFast is not bad for your body. It is simply a meal replacement. It should not be used exclusively but is fine for the purpose it is intended. When my daughter was pregnant and couldn't keep any solid food down, her Dr suggested a Slim Fast or other brand meal replacement drink as an alternative on days she could not keep food down.

July 1, 20071 found this helpful

Why not make a fresh milkshake, it will only take 2 mins and is full of goodness, drink it through a straw so that you drink it slowly and will fill you up more.


Use milk, a banana and some fresh/frozen berries, blend them together, delicious.

December 22, 20073 found this helpful

I have always used slim fast or whey protein powder to make my meal replacements.
I do not use this for weight lose I use it for my vitamins and minerals as I do not eat much food to get my nutrient's.
I have a favorite recipe which fills me up and gives me energy and my vitamins I need.Recipe below here.
1cup orange juice ,1/2 cup strawberries ,1 banana,1 scoop of powder.Blend and drink can add ice cubes or yogurt or milk.or any kind of berries.
I love my meal replacements.I have drank them for all my life.
My health is fine and I feel great.,and I am not fat.

By Diana (Guest Post)
May 3, 20081 found this helpful

I just went to a medical conference about weight loss and it is funny that the medical community (dieticians and doctors) does not agree with the post that says that slimfast is not good for your body. It is a way to get an allotted number of calories and nutrients (as opposed to having the client/patient have a 210 claorie candybar 2 meals a day). For some, your simple suggestion of "healthy foods in normal protions" is not so simple.


So, next time you decide to comment, try less off the cuff and come in with a little more info. Healthy wieght loss can and does occur with pretty much the model "slimfast" suggests, wieght maintenance is enhanced by one-a-day meal replacement.

By Mary (Guest Post)
October 6, 20084 found this helpful

chocolate-Banana Cream

1/2 cup skim milk
1/2 cup fatfree or lite chocolate icecream
1/2 medium banana
1 tablespoon chocolate syrup
1-2 ice cubes

Strawberry heaven

1 cup skim milk
1/2 cup fatfree or lite strawberry icecream
1 cup fresh or frozen unsweetened strawberries
1-2 ice cubes

Peach-keen vanilla shake

3/4 cup skim milk
1/2 cup fatfree or lite vanilla ice cream
3/4 cup peaches ,canned in juice
1-2 ice cubes

Pineapple cheese cake shake

1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese


1 cup skim milk
1/2 cup crushed pineapple,in juice
1 teaspoon sugar
1-2 ice cubes

Shakey apple pie

1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 cup vanilla yogurt
dash cinnamon
2 ice cubes

Nectar of the Gods

1/3 cup apricot nectar
1/2 medium banana,sliced
1 cup plain low fat yogurt
1 teaspoon honey
1-2 ice cubes

Lemony melon Shake

1/2 cup lemon yogurt
1/2 medium banana,sliced
1 cup fresh or frozen honeydew melonballs
1/2 cup skim milk
1-2 ice cubes

Banana cafe

1/2 cup coffee-flovored yogurt
3/4 cup skim milk
1 medium banana
1-2 ice cubes

By Mary (Guest Post)
October 6, 20085 found this helpful


1 - 3 oz box of instant pudding mix
1/3 cup sugar substitute
12 scoops protein powder
6 cups instant dry milk powder
2 teaspoons vanilla powder

Combine all, blend well.

To drink: Blend 1 c. ice water with 1/3 cup mix. Stir well.

By alanb. (Guest Post)
January 26, 20090 found this helpful

Im interested in the recipe from (Mary)above. Just wondering what she means by 12 "scoops" of protein powder. What kind of scoops?

By Alayna in Houston (Guest Post)
January 29, 20090 found this helpful

Most of the protein powders come with a scoop. I believe the scoop is the equivalent of about 1.5 tablespoons.

September 12, 20160 found this helpful

Does anyone know how many calories / how. Much far is in this recipe?

October 5, 20161 found this helpful

My doctor recommended slim fast shakes to me too... I wasn't pregnant but I wouldn't eat breakfast and I would occasionally skip lunch.


She said that I was slowly starving myself and that if I don't like to eat breakfast that a slim fast would be beneficial.

January 29, 20190 found this helpful

One scoop of what powder?


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
January 31, 20190 found this helpful

I don't think this recipe is exactly for Homemade Slim Fast because the OP says they use "slim fast or whey protein powder". I have seen whey protein powder at Costco.

January 9, 20230 found this helpful

This is incorrect! I just went to my dietitian and discussed my meals with her to find out why I have high cholesterol. Both Slimfast And Carnation Instant Breakfast are mostly sugar. She advised me to stop using them. However my high cholesterol is from an excessive amount of MILK, as I have around 4 to 8 cups a day...drinking my instant breakfasts.

September 5, 20230 found this helpful

I did know, & didn't need a lecture

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September 20, 2012

I found, on Thriftyfun, an easy way of making your own Slim Fast and lost the recipe. Does anyone have the recipe or know how I can find it?

By Gertrude


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
September 21, 20123 found this helpful

From the ThriftyFun archives:

Slim Fast Copycat

1 - 3 oz box of instant pudding mix
1/3 cup sugar substitute
12 scoops protein powder
6 cups instant dry milk powder
2 teaspoons vanilla powder

Combine all, blend well.

To drink: Blend 1 c. ice water with 1/3 cup mix. Stir well.

March 21, 20180 found this helpful

Hi, just wondering what pudding mix you use. I don't think I've ever heard of it.
Thank you in advance x

July 6, 20180 found this helpful

What is vanilla powder? Where can you purchase it?


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
July 9, 20180 found this helpful

It looks like Whole Foods carries it or check at a store that specializes in cake baking and decorating. If you can't find it at your local area, you can order it from Amazon.

April 1, 20190 found this helpful

What is vanilla powder?


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
April 1, 20190 found this helpful

I believe it is usually ground vanilla beans, perhaps mixed with sugar and corn starch. It's used in place of vanilla extract and should be available in the spice or baking aisle of your bigger supermarkets. You can order it online too.

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June 21, 2013

I want to find the recipe to get slim which I can made at home. It should be inexpensive.

By Sheetal


October 22, 20131 found this helpful

Dilute bottled reconstituted concentrated lemon juice (about 3 tbsps.) to a glass of water, add 1 tsp sugar and 1/8 tsp salt, and if you're adventurous 1/4 tsp cumin powder for a refreshing healthy drink that keeps colds away. Mint leaves will enhance the flavor.

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