
New Fuel Pump Car Still Stalls?

I have a 1998 Chrysler Sebring that stalls out when driving. I have got it pin pointed to no gas. I just changed fuel pump relay, what else could it be? Why, while driving does the fuel pump shut down?


By seanybing from Delhi, NY

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 168 Feedbacks
August 27, 20090 found this helpful

My husband states: to check the simple things first as a process of elimination to causes. This may not be the fuel pump shutting down, but a clogged fuel line. Disconnect the fuel line at the engine and blow air into it or use air compressor to blow it out. Could also be a fuel injector which is major expense if the fuel line isn't the culprit.

August 27, 20090 found this helpful

There are a lot of links about this prob in your make & is the google result for you to look thru.

August 28, 20090 found this helpful

Every car has a fuel filter that needs to be changed every so often. It may be that your fuel filter is clogged.


It is an inexpensive repair and any service station or your mechanic can do it easily.

August 28, 20090 found this helpful

I have a 2000 Sebring, and it did the exact same thing. I will give you odds of ten to one, it is the crank shaft sensor. They are notorious for that problem. I think I paid about 19.95 for the new part at Auto Zone, and my husband and son replaced it in about 30 minutes. it is really in an awkward plsce to get to,but the sensor itself is simple to replace. Just unplug the old one. Plug in the new one,and disconnect the battery for a few minutes to reset the computer. A hint. Invest another 20.00 in the repair manual for the car at auto zone or advance auto or wherever. It will pay for itself dozens of times over.

August 29, 20090 found this helpful

Thanks when it stalls or doesn't start there is not 12 volts at the fuel pump almost like there is a broken wire.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 109 Feedbacks
November 13, 20090 found this helpful

I didn't have a Sebring but I had a Chrysler Lazer that did the exact same thing. I could be going down the highway and the car would stall out like it had no gas. After trying 8 or 9 times it would start up and run great, until the next time. I had several things changed on the car that didn't work until I took it to a Chrysler dealer.


I think the part is called the pick-up coil. It has been a while. It is the part right underneath the rotor. The cap and rotor sit right on top of it. Held down by either two or three screws - I forget. Cheap and easy fix.


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