
What bug is eating my plants?

What can I do to keep rabbits and bugs away from watermelons, cucumbers and muskmelon? And what kind of bug is eating my plants?

Hardiness Zone: 4a


Sue from MN

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By Amy (Guest Post)
May 31, 20070 found this helpful

For rabbits, try spreading dried bloodmeal around each plant, or around the perimeter of your garden. Rabbits don't like the smell and should stay away.

Other ideas:
~plant lavender or catnip around the perimeter of your garden
~ hang garlic cloves or make a spray of garlic cloves and water in the blender then spray around the garden
~sprinkle cayenne pepper around the plants

As for the bugs, I'm not sure which kind is eating your plant. I have similar holes in my plants that I have always blamed on my roly-poly pill bugs. I think it might actually be a slug. I've heard that you can get rid of both by putting beer or yeast mixed with water in a clean pop can or small bowl and burying it up to the top. The slugs will be drawn by the smell and end up drowning themselves (or get very intoxicated :) I have yet to try it, but my grandfather swore by it.


Hope that helps...

By robert (Guest Post)
June 1, 20070 found this helpful

Looks Like earwigs

Try 3 drops dish soap in spray bottle 12oz
spray around Plants
every week till gone

June 3, 20070 found this helpful

Thanks for your feedback all.

June 8, 20070 found this helpful

After searching the internet, it "seems" that on some of my watermelon plants I have "Bacterial Wilt"... however, these plants are starting to come back, grow bew leaves and look healthy... should I let them grow or get rid of them?


Also, the radishes I planted are supposed to be round, they are coming out long & red, anyone know whats up? This is my first time gardening.

June 8, 20070 found this helpful

another one of my plants... if anyone has any idea whats growing, let me know. I forgot what I planted & where... so the names on the pictures might be wrong. Also, I have seperated these plants so they are not all smooshed together like this any more

June 8, 20070 found this helpful



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