
Using Swimming Pool Water To Water Plants?

I was wondering what will happen to my two week old tomato plants now that my neighbor has emptied his swimming pool and flooded my new garden site. Will the chlorine kill or hurt them and is there anything I can do to save them?


Hardiness Zone: 6b

By PATRICK from Jamestown, KY

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June 5, 20090 found this helpful
Best Answer

Yes, chlorine will kill them dead. Chlorine is bleach. I suggest you get new plants, and test the soil for any chlorine residue. I would also suggest that you talk to your neighbour about emptying his pool so that it doesn't ruin your garden next year.

June 6, 20180 found this helpful

Straight chlorine will, but chlorinated pool water will not since the chlorine is diluted. Your answer is not accurate and does not properly address the OP's question.

June 3, 20190 found this helpful

It will not kill them it is good for the ground

June 5, 20090 found this helpful

I see in the archives I answered this in August, 2008 that I've been using pool water for years to water my potted plants and lawn..Well just to reiterate, I am still doing it with NO problems! When I shock the pool, I don't use the water for 48 hours. Works great and instead of just dumping an overfull pool, it goes to good use and conserves water! Jim in Jax

June 5, 20130 found this helpful

There's a very simple answer to this problem. First test the level of chlorine in your pool. Then if it is high, you neutralise the chlorine to a safe level before using the water in your garden.


Sodium thiosulfate can be used to neutralise chlorine. And it is readily available on eBay. Happy watering all!


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