Surprise your sweetie this February 14th with an extraordinary homemade gift sure to delight as it adorns their desk!
Approximate Time: 1 hour plus baking time
- 1 oz. light pink polymer clay
- 1 oz. hot pink polymer clay
- 2 oz. white polymer clay
- clay cutter blade
- acrylic roller
- 1 foot colored floral wire
- pencil
- Mod Podge (optional)
- oven
- cookie sheet
- wire snips
- Roll light pink clay into a ball between palms of your hands until warm and pliable. Roll into a long log, about 5 inches long.
- Roll hot pink clay into a ball between palms of your hands until warm and pliable. Roll into a log about 4 inches long using a hard, non-porous surface.
- Use acrylic roller to flatten hot pink log until it measures about 5 inches long by 3/4 inches wide and 2 mm thick. Trim edge of hot pink shape into a neat rectangle using your clay cutting blade.
- Wrap hot pink around light pink log; trim away any excess with blade. This is now your "cane."

- Smooth seam where long edges meet with finger.Use clay cutter to trim off ends of cane.
- Cut cane into two equal parts, cross-wise. Pinch top half of canes all the way down their length until you have formed tear drop shapes.
Pinch canes together to form heart shape; set aside for now.
- Roll white 2 oz. brick of clay into a ball between palms of hands until warm. Split into two equally sized balls. Flatten each ball with hand on hard, non-porous surface, slightly.
- Use blade to slice thin (2-3mm) pieces off of your cane. When slicing, don't push straight down; rather, use a downward motion of one side and then the other (and so forth).

- Pick the slices you like best, and place four on each ball, on the top, points together (heart will look upside-down at this point).

- Flip balls over and push down slightly to flatten them with palm of hand.
Place one more heart on each ball, at the middle of the top.

- Make two small hot pink balls of clay (4-5 mm) from scraps you trimmed off the rectangle in step 6. Place each on the middle of the heart you just placed on top, and flatten slightly.
- Snip ends off colored floral wire with wire snips at a sharp angle. Wrap middle ten inches of wire around a pencil or dowel rod into a long spiral shape.
- Bend remaining 2 inches of wire on each end at a right angle to the long spiral; both going in the same direction to form stems. Insert stems, one into each ball, in the middle of the hot pink dot on the top.

- Bake entire thing on a cookie sheet in your oven at 225 degrees F for 15 minutes.Let cool for an hour.

- Seal with Mod Podge, if a glossy finish is desired.
- Wrap and give to your Sweetie on Valentine's Day, preferably with a nice pen! :)
By Brianna Southworth from Dutch Harbor, AK