
Preventing Dishwasher Detergent Residue

August 1, 2006

Preventing Dishwasher Detergent ResidueI had the dishwasher repair guy here again this AM. He told me that the little blocks of dishwasher detergent (tabs) have Jet Dry already added to them and if you normally put Jet Dry in your washer and use these blocks, hazing of glassware will occur.


Also, new dishwashers coming out have little grids in the detergent cup area so you can not use these blocks (indicative of how many hazing complaints they have generated).

By Holly from Richardson, TX

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4 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

September 28, 2010

How do you get rid of scum on glasses that have been washed in the dishwasher? It has been gradually building up, and now the glasses look like they've never been washed. Regular hand washing doesn't help.

By Patty from TX


July 21, 20060 found this helpful
Best Answer

Put in 1/2 to 1 cup of white vinegar at the beginning of the final rinse cycle. Always works for me!

By sparky (Guest Post)
October 23, 20060 found this helpful
Best Answer

Use Lemi-Shine (you can get it at Wal-Mart). I will not run my dishwasher without it. It cleaned out my dishwasher, all of my glasses are shiny (for the first time in years!) and it is safe for my septic tank.

July 13, 20100 found this helpful
Best Answer

The troubleshooting section of my new dishwasher's manual says to try using less detergent (up to half as much) and it may stop this problem (while still getting the dishes clean) depending on the hardness of the water. Good luck.

August 9, 20110 found this helpful
Best Answer

Try this new product: CitriClean. It's an all-natural powder that you add to each dish washing cycle. Use less detergent and 1-2 tablespoons of CitriClean, so your cost per wash does not increase.


It contains no phosphates and it works great. Search for CitriClean of Florida.

November 17, 20160 found this helpful
Best Answer

I have a small dishwasher, the portable type. It only takes a bit of detergent powder on a small compartment, some anti-streak liquid on another compartment and salt on a third compartment.
For the last month I have been going nuts because all the dishes come out with a white film-type residue that is hard to get rid off even by rubbing hard with dish-washing soap and a sponge.
I thought that it had to do with the water being too hard and I added more salt. It got so much worse!
I called the techician and he said that I should run as many cycles as necessary to get rid of as much salt as possible and never use this again since most modern powder detergents have salt already in them.


I did and after 5-6 cycles (and some digging in the compartment with a small spoon) I manage to get rid most of the salt and now the dishes come out OK. Hope that helps.

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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

July 10, 2010

How can we prevent dishwasher detergent residue? Our dishwasher leaves a residue of detergent on everything we wash, especially glasses and plastic baby bottles.


September 28, 2010

I used an eco-friendly dishwasher detergent made by Palmolive. It has left a hardened white coating on most of my dishes, glasses, and silverware.


I have Jet Dry in my machine, but that hasn't helped. Is there any way to remove these unsightly deposits?

Home and Garden Cleaning DishesAugust 23, 2012
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