
Making Yogurt Without Milk

December 2, 2015

For those with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies, you can make their own coconut yogurt for about a fifth the cost of buying it from a health food store, and I think it's a better product.


Total Time: A few minutes prep, and 8-12 hours to set.

Yield: 400 ml yogurt


  • 1 can coconut milk (around 400 ml or 2 cups)
  • 2 Tbsp coconut flour (or blitz dried coconut until fine in a blender or food processor)
  • 2 Tbsp sugar
  • dairy free yogurt culture* (can buy online)

*You can use probiotics (not technically yogurt, if you just use probiotics)


  1. If you have not made yogurt at home before, it's really important to keep everything clean and sterile. I suggest if this is your first time, get someone more experienced to help you the first couple of times, and read a few articles by Green Living Australia and Cultures For Health who both sell yogurt cultures online.
  2. You will need a yogurt maker, or something to keep the yogurt warm overnight. Some people swear by a dream pot, or a ceramic pot that's placed in a warmed oven over night (switched off oven). I personally stick to a basic yogurt maker that keeps the yogurt warm overnight by using boiling water (I use the EasiYo maker). Other people use the Thermomix system.
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  4. Place the coconut milk, coconut flour and sugar in a saucepan, stir together thoroughly, preferably with a clean whisk. You just want the ingredients to reach blood temperature, and be mixed and warmed through.
  5. Pour the saucepan mix into the container that the yogurt will be incubating in over night (you may need to experiment with times, I usually leave it over night 8-12 hours).
  6. Add yogurt culture or probiotics if you want to make a probiotic coconut yogurt. Or just use probiotics, but technically that's not yogurt. Screw on lid, and place in yogurt maker.
  7. Leave overnight. The next morning, place the yogurt in the fridge to cool for a few hours and then it's ready to eat.
  8. You can add more, or less coconut flour until you find a consistency you like. Should keep in the fridge for up to a week (can freeze and the culture will still be active).
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More Solutions

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December 15, 2011

For a yogurt alternative, try making a non-dairy pudding (Look it up online. The recipe should only take about 5 minutes). Cool it in fridge, then add a powdered probiotic, blend in about a 1/2 to 1 tsp per cooled pudding batch.


4 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

October 31, 2005

Does anyone know if it is possible to make yogurt from any kind of milk other than animal or soya? I have tried to make it from rice milk but it didn't work. Any ideas? I cannot have soy or dairy (including goat's milk).

Thank you,
Gillian from UK


By Lauren (Guest Post)
November 1, 20050 found this helpful

I'd love to know myself how to do this! My son cannot have cow or goat milk either but loves yogurt and cheese.

FYI- I cared for a woman with Chrone's (sp) disease and it seems to be genetic not related to yogurt...

By Shirl (Guest Post)
November 9, 20050 found this helpful

You might be able to use coconut milk or almond milk or rice milk. Do a search how to make yogurt.

By tunkany (Guest Post)
March 4, 20060 found this helpful

You can make it with coconut milk if you put something in there to feed the bacteria, eg. honey or mashed fruit. Make sure you clean and boil everything that comes in contact with the yogurt, you don't want to grow the wrong kind of bacteria. Use only l. acidophilus, l. bulgaricus and l. thermophilus (Yogourmet starteror Custom Probiotics) for culturing, and ferment for 24 hours so they eat up all the sugar.

Advertisement has info on yogurt making and also Chrons disease....

By Wade (Guest Post)
April 16, 20080 found this helpful

Chrons Disease is not caused from yogurt, it is an Immune disorder.
I know because I nearly died from it too.

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September 6, 2004

Can anyone tell me how to culture non-dairy yogurt? It is available in some healthfood stores but it is very expensive.


September 8, 20040 found this helpful

You can make yogurt with soy milk in exactly the same way as you do with dairy milk - either buy a dried ferment to start it or use one teaspoonful of a dairy yogurt in each pot. Once the first batch is made you can continue using a teaspoonful of the last soy yogurt for the next batch. It ferments in the same way and the yogurt is delicious. Add vanilla, sweetening, fruit etc. if wanted, or eat plain or with honey.



By Debi (Guest Post)
December 29, 20050 found this helpful

I love this idea. I am highly allergic to dairy and soy as well. Any other suggestions? Also, not sure what you mean about purchasing ferment? I guess they will know in the Health Food Stores. Please help! Thanks.

By Debi (Guest Post)
December 29, 20050 found this helpful

Appreciate the idea as I am allergic to dairy and soy? Any other suggestions? Thanks.

By Dale (Guest Post)
January 29, 20090 found this helpful

So if it grows in soy, can it grow in other stuff like nut milks, fruit pruees etc. anything other than soy and milk?

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