Most people think honey is honey, but not all honey is created equal. Store bought honey (store brand and name brand) most of the time is not all USA honey. A computer will print the place of origin of honey on the container. This can range from Korea to South America.
Also honey from big distributors has been heated up over 120 degrees F. This means that all the health benefits of the enzymes and pollen has been removed and denatured. Pure raw honey DOES NOT need to be pasteurized. Also big distributors will add or feed the bees high fructose corn syrup in order to get them to produce honey faster, creating lazy bees that don't pollinate as well.
Due to the lack of labeling regulations, producers don't have to put on the label that they feed the bees another sugar source, or that they mixed the honey in the facility. A trick to this is that honey in its true pure form, with no human help of added sugars, will last forever. If the honey has a best used by date, it is not 100% honey like the label says. It means that somewhere down the line, a sugar source was added.
If it's 100% honey in its natural raw state you want, please find a local beekeeper in your area. You might find true raw honey in a store, but I doubt it.
Don't be afraid to ask your local keeper if they feed the bees and where the bees are at in relation to your home. Honey within 40 miles of your home is the best for allergies!
Source:These are the most asked questions we receive about the differences in raw honey verses others with our bee farm.
By audi from Natchitoches, LA
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My understanding about the high fructose corn syrup was that some bee keepers were diluting the honey with it and as long as they call it "honey" it is legal although some states are trying to outlaw that. Only honey that is not diluted can be called "pure honey" and that is what you should buy.
Thanks for sharing this information. I always just figured that honey was honey :) I hadn't thought about some of these tips, like local honey to help with allergies. And the corn syrup info is just appalling, is there no escape from the stuff!
I see local honey at our farmer's markets all the time. I will be sure to check out how local they are and pick some up.
We did too until we went to a conference and found that a lot of commercial keepers were feeding there bees the high fructose corn syrups, too. We were surprised by it because even though the bees break down the sugars in the corn syrup. It still is not the same ole stuff as the natural. So there is no way to know if the stuff they call pure is pure the bees could be feed alternative sugars to increase production.
There are so many loopholes in the labeling it gets confusing for everyone. we have been doing this for over 46 years and still amazed at all of it. We hope your son has the best of luck with his bees and pray they stay healthy for him!
Good information to share, thanks! I didn't realize they fed bees high fructose corn syrup either, but it doesn't surprise me.
I have raw mesquite honey from Arizona in my refrigerator & freezer that is at least 10 years old that I still dip into. Tastes SO much better than the stuff you buy in the stores!
Thank you for the information on Honey. I had no idea there was added glucose in it and I have been ignoring the use by date because I thought it lasted forever. It goes to show you learn something new everyday. Again many thanks
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