
Canning Green Beans

Canned green beans with other vegetables in background.
Canning fresh green beans from your garden or those you purchased on sale at the grocery is easy and inexpensive to do. Follow a few easy step by step instructions below and you can become an expert at canning. This is a page about canning green beans.

12 Solutions

This page contains the following solutions.

June 12, 2011
A jar of green beans preserved by canning.The beans will not get soggy when you cook them.


  • 2 gallons broken and washed green beans
  • 1 1/3 cups white vinegar
  • 3/4 cup white sugar
  • scant (not quite) 1/2 cup salt


Put the broken and washed green beans in a pot and bring them to a boil.

Add the vinegar, sugar, and salt. Bring back to a boil and boil for 30 minutes.

Pack in hot jars, cover with hot lids and rings. No need for a water bath.

When you're ready to cook them, pour the brine off, rinse the beans good, then pour them in a boiler and add a quart of water. Season as you like.


Servings: about 4
Prep Time: 1 Hours
Cooking Time: about 1 Hours

Source: This was my grandmother's recipe.

By Paula Summerlin from Kosciusko, MS

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Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 135 Posts
January 26, 2010


  • 3 lbs. tender young green beans
  • 2 tsp. red pepper
  • 6-12 cloves garlic peeled
  • fresh dill weed or 2 tsp. dried dill weed
  • 3 cups water
  • 3 cups vinegar
  • 6 Tbsp. salt


This will make 6 pints. Wash beans removing ends. Cut into uniform lengths and pack in hot jars standing upright. To each jar add some red pepper, 1-2 cloves of garlic and a large spry of fresh dill or a portion of dried dill.


Bring water, vinegar, and salt to boil in saucepan. Pour liquid over beans leaving 1/2 inch space from the top of the jar. Place tightened lids on jars and process in a boiling water bath for five minutes. Remove jars and let cool.

Source: mother

By Sandy from Graettinger, IA

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May 8, 2013

fresh green beansOnce green beans become ripe on the vine, they need picked and preserved. Picking goes on for days as a new crop appears. If you have your own garden, you can pick and can until you are sick of green beans and still have plenty to give away. If you don't garden, you will find a big farmer's market is the place to get plenty of beans. If you know a farmer with a stand near his home, you will find him reliable for good green beans year after year.

There are many types of beans and you will soon find your favorite if you experiment. I prefer Blue Lake green beans. If you check the green bean aisle at the grocery, you will see that there are many kinds in those cans.


To can vegetables, you will need a pressure canner. A pressure canner is a bit more expensive than the hot water bath equipment; however, it will last a hundred years so you can get your money's worth. Mom used a pressure cooker to cook almost everything. Potatoes for mashing takes no time on a Sunday after church when everyone is hungry. I like pressure cooked pork chops better than any other way. I discovered after I was married that Fordhook frozen lima beans cook the best in the pressure cooker. If you have never used one, you will find that this is a valuable asset for the kitchen.


You will need some big bowls and a big pot for boiling water. You will already have ladles. You might want salt for your beans. I personally don't add salt.


Preparing the Beans

When you buy your beans, you are looking for the healthy color as well as a filled out bean. If you run your fingers down the bean, can you feel the little beans inside the pod. If it isn't filled out, you don't want it. If you snap an end off the bean, does it snap? You don't want a limp, drooping bean.

When you get your beans home and need to get them ready for canning, get comfortable with your beans and a bowl. Women used to sit around and snap beans together. If you can get some help, that is good too. I don't like cutting beans. I don't like to use metal on any vegetable if I can avoid it. It does quicken discoloration.

I take a bean and snap off the ends. The little tips should be about the size of my little pinkie's end joint. Once I have just the bean that I want to can, I snap it into the size I want the pieces to be. You can cut it if you want. I just remember and still snap beans. Once I have a bowl snapped, I wash my beans in cool to lukewarm water.


Canning Jars

To prepare the jars, they can be washed in a dishwasher if it has a sanitized cycle. The jars can be left in the dishwasher on a heat cycle. The lids need to be washed and left in the hot water. The canner needs to be filled so that there will be an inch of boiling water over the top of the jars.

Preparing the Canner

You will need to rinse it out and place the plate in the bottom of the canner. (Read directions for your canner. If their directions are different, follow the manufacturer's directions.) Add about 4 inches of water and put the canner on heat just to warm it up. Do not put the lid on the canner at this point.

Safety Tips

At this step, it is time to be sure children are safe. I used baby gates to keep them out of the kitchen when mine were little. However, I would corral them in playpens or high chairs for this step. Boiling water and curious children do not mix. I also kept mine out of the kitchen for the pressure canner time. One child was afraid of the jiggling weight but another was fascinated by it. Keep the kids safe.

Canning the Green Beans

  1. Start filling the jars with the green beans. You will not cook the beans before you place them in the jar. Leave an inch of head space. Use the boiling water from the big pot of boiling water to cover the beans. Be sure all are covered and still keep one inch of head space.

  2. If you want to add salt to the jar, now is the time. Once it is added, use your utensil to remove any air bubbles. Wipe the top of the jar and add the lid and the bands.

  3. With the jar tongs, place the jars in the canner. There should be at least 3 inches of water in the canner; if too much is boiled away, add hot tap water to make about 4 inches. Put the lid on the canner but leave the vent open. Turn the heat up under the canner and let the steam vent for 10 minutes. Add the pressure weight to the canner and let the pressure build to 11 pounds. Process for 25 minutes keeping the pressure to 10 pounds. (Check the manufacturer's book to be sure the directions are the same. If you don't have directions by the company, check for their website. Always check the directions for your pressure canner.)

  4. Once the jars are processed, turn off the heat. Do not put the pressure cooker under cold water. Let the pressure come down as the canner cools. This could take 45 minutes. Don't jostle the jars or bother the canner while it cools. Once the pressure is at 0, the canner may make a click sound that you will learn to recognize. You can take off the lid and remove the jars from the canner. Using your jar tongs, place them on the thick towel on the counter and leave the jars alone to cool on their own. This might take overnight. I have often listened to jar lids pop as they sealed as I read in bed. It gives a good feeling to know that you have preserved food for your family.

  5. When the jars are sealed and cool, take off the bands and place jars in a cool, dark place. You have green beans until next year's crop comes in.

By Mary Belk

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

January 23, 2015

I will be canning green beans in a regular canning pot, not a pressure cooker. Do you do as you would with a pressure cooker? Then how long do you need to cook them?

By Mary R.


January 23, 20150 found this helpful

You will have to google the topic to find out the time you have to have the jars of green beans in the hot water bath. The time is bound to be longer than in a pressure cook. When I was younger I did all of my cooking in the hot water bath. It has been so long since I did any canning that I don't have any idea about the time length. I don't know if it is an old wive's take or the truth, but I was always told that green beans can go bad really easily if not canned properly.

November 4, 20180 found this helpful

Foods that are not naturally high in acid are not safe to can using a hot water bath canner. This includes most vegetables (tomatoes are on the fence with this one so adding a little lemon juice to each jar makes them safe) and definitely green beans.
If you want to preserve your green beans but dont have access to a pressure canner you could pickle them. Processing beans (and other low acid vegetables) in a vinegar brine makes them safe for hot water bath canning.

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May 12, 2012

I am canning green beans, if my beans are hot when I put them in the jars and they seal before I put them in the pressure canner; do I have to pressure cook them?



Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
May 12, 20120 found this helpful

Yes! Contact your local extension office website for the proper method!

May 14, 20120 found this helpful

Yes, you still do. The beans don't really 'seal' when you put them in the jars and apply the rings, it is just the heat causing a small vacuum, enough to seem like they seal.

They still need to be further processed. Jams and jellies do the same thing when put into jars.

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July 12, 2012

How long do I cook green beans in a pressure canner and at what pressure?

By Betty


July 12, 20120 found this helpful

This is a very helpful website for all things canning.

Here is the page for canning green beans.

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August 28, 2013

I recently water bathed green beans for 45 minutes. Can I reboil them for the remainder of the time needed?

By Rhonda

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July 24, 2013

I need to know if I freeze my garden snap green beans now can i pressure can them later? I am waiting for my replacement pressure regulator to come thru the mail and my beans are coming on now!

By Jo

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September 19, 2011

How do I can green beans?

By Robin E. from Hillsboro, OR

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November 5, 2017

Don't take a chance if your beans are not proccessed for the correct amount of time as botulism is very dangerous and difficult to detect. This is a page about under processed canned green beans.

Canned Green Beans

August 12, 2016

This is a page about canning pickled green beans. Home canned pickled green beans will be a special treat after the gardening season ends.

Several jars of yellow and green beans with spices ready to be processed

August 12, 2016

This is a page about preventing canned green beans from getting mushy. After you have spent hours canning your garden produce it is very disappointing to find that the green beans are mushy.

Green beans from a can against a white background

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