Green living tips and money saving solutions for cooling your home and office.
Make Your Own Exhaust Fan FiltersFan filters can be expensive and need to be replaced regularly. This page contains information about making your own exhaust fan filters.
Cooling a Home in the Desert HeatThere are several ways to help keep a desert home cooler in the summer without costly electric cooling bills. Window awnings can help, as do shades, blinds, and especially room darkening drapes. Drawing these curtains is quite effective. This is a page about cooling a home in the desert heat.
Cooling a Stone Garden Wall During Summer?Does anyone have any advice or suggestions for my problem? I have a small yard where all four walls, about 10 feet high, are made of stone and it's a virtual suntrap during the very hot summers in my country.
Reviews of Palm Leaf Shaped Ceiling Fan Blade Covers?Does anyone have any experience with those palm leaf-shaped ceiling fan blade covers? I would like to check before spending $100 to help save electricity this summer.
Place a Wet Washcloth on Neck To Stay CoolI worked for years in a very hot environment. I found the best way to stay cool, is to buy new dish towels or hand towels. The reason I say buy some is the dish towels you already have might have a grease smell to them. I would take a supply of them to work with me.
Use Christmas Door Foil on Windows to Reflect Summer HeatWindow tint film is very expensive. I had an inspiration; what I call, a "light bulb moment". Having lived in Florida for years, it was not uncommon to see windows covered with aluminum foil. I used my Christmas door foil, to cover my the windows.
Frugal Way to Cool DownWet a washcloth with cold water and wring out. Place over an inverted bowl in the freezer. Thirty minutes later you have a 'cool' hat to wear.
Dealing with Heat at WorkI work in a hot factory, and keep a spray bottle filled with water to spritz now and then. I also wet a paper towel with cold water and put in the middle of my bra.
It's Cool In the UKTo keep cool, move to the UK its sooooooooooooooo freezing here!
Soak Towel in Cooler Ice for Working Outside This is a tip for keeping cool while working in the yard or garden when the temps and humidity are high. Years ago, we operated a lawn business. Arkansas is really hot and humid in the summer, so we carried a big cooler with plenty of ice, bottles of water, tea, etc.
Use A Cool Mist Humidifier To Boost ACTo be able to draw more cool air from your heating and air conditioning registers, use an old cool mist humidifiers fan and put the unit directly on top of the air register, plug the unit in and turn it on. The unit will act as a air booster and help cool the room tremendously.
Direct AC With A FanThe air conditioner in our living room/dining room is in a window just between the edge of the two (They are in an "L" shape.) I used to put up a screen to direct the cool air into the living room area but my husband came up with a much more practical solution.
Creating Shade on My Porch?My electric bill is about to go up and up higher here in Maryland. I want to hang something on my porch that will block some of the sunlight but not the breeze.
Reducing Inside Temperature Without Air Conditioning?I am seeking advice on cooling. I know that in the northern hemisphere you are approaching winter, but here in the southern hemisphere, Australia, we are coming on to summer, and they can be ferociously hot.
Can I Use a Dehumidifier With Air Conditioner to Help Cool My House?I have an older central a/c unit? With the cost of electricity going up all the time, some of us in Canada have gone to TOU (time of use) with our hydro, summer cooling could get costly.