Tips and ideas about making money; including selling items online, eBay and working from home.
Making Money by Stuffing Envelopes at...This is a page about making money by stuffing envelopes at home. People looking for work from home jobs have been tempted to consider envelop stuffing opportunities. Many such offers are often a scam.
Getting Good Tips Waiting TablesIf you wait tables, you know that a large portion of your income is from tips. Getting the best tip possible from each customer can have a big impact on how much you take home at the end of the day. This is a page about getting good tips waiting tables.
Ways to Raise Money for a School Trip?My class is going on a trip to Washington D.C.. What are some good ways for me to raise money if I'm under the age of 15?
Is Hazel Peppergood Inc. a Scam?Hazel Peppergood is advertised as a viable work from home opportunity but reviews have not always had good success with this opportunity. This page discusses whether Hazel Peppergood, Inc. is a scam.
How to Sell Gene Dolls?I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas about how to sell Gene dolls, outfits and accessories. I am helping my elderly sister liquidate her collections and of them are Gene Marshall dolls, outfits and accessories.
Non-MLM Work From Home Ideas?I will soon be moving to a location that is deep in a canyon and about 30 miles from the nearest town. It's over 80 miles to a town that would have employment that could be considered substantial. I would like to do something at home.
Being a Secret ShopperIf you love to shop or dine out, a part time job being a secret shopper might suit you. You have the chance to share your shopping experience to improve the business. Payment is often in goods or discounts rather than cash but there are many different programs.
Selling Candles?Candles are popular for decorating and scenting your home. Some people hand craft their candles and others act as a salesman for a commercial candle company, or resell their own candles.
Making Money With Your ComputerAlthough there are lots of websites online that suggest you can make money working from home, it's best to use caution to avoid scams or predatory MLM businesses. However, there are some legitimate ways to use your computer to earn income. This page discusses making money with your computer.
Earning Extra Money With Consignment StoresWhen clearing clutter and unused clothing, rather than donating it all to a thrift store check to see if any of the items may be a good choice to take to a consignment store. You might earn some extra cash. This is a page about earning extra money with consignment stores.
Earning Extra IncomeThere are many ways that you can earn income over and above your regular job. On-line sales and part time jobs for friends and neighbors are options. This is a page about earning extra income.
Earning Money OnlineThis is a page about earning money online. Stay at home parents and others often look for legitimate at home work options.
Selling Items OnlineThis is a page about selling items online. In more recent years selling our unwanted items, crafts, and more online has become a popular practice.
Money Making Tips for Stay at Home MomsThis page is about money making tips for stay at home moms. Being able to be at home and raise children can make it difficult to pay all the bills without supplemental income.
Selling Gold Jewelry For CashThis is a page about selling gold jewelry for cash. Recently it has become very popular for companies to encourage consumers to sell their unwanted gold jewelry, with promises of great profits.
Project Payday ReviewsThis page contains Project Payday reviews. If you have been looking for work from home opportunities, you may have come across Project Payday and are trying to get some information on the company.
Buying Garage Sale Items to ResellThis page is about buying garage sale items to resell. Selling select items bought at yard sales can be a great way to make some extra money.
Selling On eBayThis is a page about selling on eBay. If you are considering selling on eBay there are some things to consider in order to make it a positive and profitable experience.
Working From HomeThis page is about working from home. There are many things to consider when a job is handled at home.
Alternatives to eBayThis page is about alternatives to eBay. To maximize your profit when selling items online, you want to use the best site available.
Making Extra Cash?What do you do to make extra cash? Do you sell Mary Kay, Tupperware, Partylite or something else? I would like to know what you do and your ideas to make extra cash. The holidays are coming up and my budget is super slim.
Starting an Antique BusinessThis is a page about starting an antique business. Antique furniture, dishes, curios and nicknacks can often be found for little or nothing and then sold for a lot of money.
How to Use Online Auctions and Not Get...This is a page about how to use online auctions and not get burned. Online auctions can be a great way to find bargains, but there are always risks when buying items on online auction sites. Safely buying and selling on online auction sites like eBay can be a great way to save or even make money.
Getting Paid to Help a Friend Move and Stage a Garage Sale?A friend is hiring me to help move and stage a garage sale. How much do I charge to help her set up? This is a business transaction and she is willing to pay me per hour or a percentage of the sales. Which is best?
How to Make Money on the Internet?I need reviews on any of these you may have already tried. I just read this on eHow, I am always there. There are a number of opportunities here and I would appreciate any feedback you might have on these:
Frugal FundraisersJust because the economy is down and budgets are tight doesn't mean that schools and organizations can stop fundraising. In fact, it's even more important now than ever, as states are slashing educational and non-profit funding.
Getting Paid to Advertise on Personal Vehicle?I have a van. I am self employed and post large format billboards. Does any one know how I go about getting paid for advertising space on my Ford transit van? Please help.
Getting Started on Ebay?What are the pros and cons of using eBay? I am wondering if it is worth it to set up a PayPal account and is it confusing? We don't want it connected to our regular checking account since it goes so low at the end of the month.
Looking for "Work from Home" Sites?I am looking for "work from home" sites, where you can make money without paying up front.
Increasing Direct Sales Client Base?I started selling Avon a month ago, feeling very confident. I have only made 90 dollars. How can I sell more? I can I make my client base larger?
Selling a Diamond Ring?Is Craigslist a good way to sell a diamond ring?
Product Review: Makemoneytakingsurveys.orgThis product is a complete let down. I purchased it about 3 weeks ago and have not made a cent. All that comes with this product is a database of survey companies which you can access your self in a very short search of the net.
Making Extra Money For The Holidays?How can I get extra money for Thanksgiving and Christmas because I need extra money?
Making Extra Money While Working Full Time?I need suggestions on how to earn an extra fifty dollars a day or five hundred a month in my spare time. Two hours a day for five days a week would be my best option for time commitment since I work a full time job on the night shift currently. Thank you all for your time and help.
Survey Advice?I am curious about doing surveys. Is it safe? Is it worth it? Are there any groups to stay away from? Does one really get good products free? Any catches I'd need to know about?
Abundant Living System?What do you know about Abundant Living System that makes it legit or a scam?
Cash for CraftsWe are pleased to announce a new program we are starting to help build the Craft Projects section on ThriftyFun. If you are an avid crafter, capable writer and own a digital camera, you are eligible to participate. Submit your craft projects to ThriftyFun and we will pay $15 for any crafts that we publish.
Is the Job of Direct Sales for You?Ultimately it was an act of timing. At a time in my career when I was being "downsized" and the looming dread of losing $15,000 of income a year was getting closer, I took on a job of direct sales.
Mystery Shopping Advice?Mystery Shopping Advice. I am interested in mystery shopping. Has anyone done this with any companies that don't charge a fee and are easy to deal with? I know there are a lot of these companies, but I also know you have to watch which one you deal with.
Doing It the eBay WayThere is something to be said for the lure of on-line auctions. While as a consumer it offers a look across the world at what sellers have to offer, it also provides a seller with opportunities once unavailable.
"Credit" on eBayIf you're an eBay user, this might be a helpful tip. I used to buy things on eBay only occasionally, but after my son was born a few years ago, I started to buy more, usually for him. I also started selling things around my house that I no longer use, and stumbled upon a great thing--my own "free credit" on eBay! . . .
Posting an Online Auction on Ebay?I want to sell some old jewellery on Ebay and did a search but was overwhelmed by the thousands of choices. Does anyone know a really great and concise website that helps you set up an online auction?
Linky & Dinky's Web Earner Program?I am wondering if anyone has signed up to be a Web Earner from the Linky & Dinky web site. I enjoy their newsletter but am curious and skeptical about paying $20 to make money using the web. I know most of these type of advertisements are a big rip off. Just wondering if any of your readers have participated in this and what input they have.
Working From HomeMany people are attempting to work from home during the current lockdown. Here are some tips for being effective without having to go into the office.
Money Making Tips for Stay at Home MomsI myself was a stay-at-home mom when my children were at home. Yet I always managed to afford the same opportunities for my kids as my friends who missed those formative years with their children. I would like to share things which I did to make extra money without being gone every day.
Working More Efficiently, Not LongerFor those who work at a home-based businesses, maintaining an efficient work pace is crucial for fiscal success. Today, these piecemeal workers may need to produce more work for less cost in order to keep up with the market.
Sell Online Or In Person?For the average person, selling used items is easy and generates a pleasing profit. Whether you opt to organize a yard sale, advertise in the newspaper, or sell online, you'll most likely earn enough money to go out to dinner but not enough to make a car payment.
Opting for Extra Income Through eBayAn avid fan of eBay, I often wondered about the opportunity that eBay stores offer. For those who are new to eBay, a store is just like what it sounds. Rather than post random items on the site for sale, one opens a "store" and posts all the items there.
Increase Tips When Waiting TablesThe best way to get good tips while waiting tables is to create a satisfying dining experience for your guests. The following 5 steps are generally accepted as universal.
Selling Gift Cards on eBay?I have about 10 gift cards that I am going to be selling on eBay. I have the value of each card and I will list that in the auction. How do I know that the person who buys it from me wouldn't come back and say that the amount stated in the auction is different on the card.
Brainstorm: Non-MLM Work From Home Ideas?There are many people looking for ways to earn money at home, either part time or as a full time career. It is even more true now that the COVID shutdowns showed us all how many jobs can be handled remotely. If you are able to earn a living working from home, please tell us how you do it.
Making Money Using Twitter?I had read on a recent post about making extra money on Twitter or web sites. I am down to investigating any extra income source that I can look into. I now have a disability from an abusive ex-husband.
Stuffing Envelopes?Are there any, stuffing envelope, work at home sites that are not a scam?
New to Selling on eBay?I'm thinking about trying to sell on eBay, but I need complete written instructions on what to do as I have never sold anything online. I can't seem to find anything out, i.e., how to start, what to do, what to buy as far as supplies, etc.They use to send a kit, but do not now. Please help.
Selling PlayStation Games Online?Is there a site out there that buys PlayStation games?