Tips and ideas about saving time and money when renting an apartment.
Renting an Apartment in California?This is a page about renting an apartment in California. Before renting an apartment, you probably want to check out neighborhoods, transportation, prices, and the rental laws as they apply to you.
Saving Money on an ApartmentThis page is about saving money on an apartment. Finding an inexpensive apartment and keeping the costs down can be a challenge.
Renting an ApartmentThis is a page about renting an apartment. Whether you are a first time renter or have rented before, there are a lot of things to consider when renting an apartment.
Looking for a Safe, Economical Apartment Near Birmingham, AL.Does anyone know of a safe, economical apartment on the south end of Birmingham, Homewood, or Vestavia, Alabama?
How much rent can I afford?I'm looking to move into a new apartment. The problem (aside from not knowing neighborhoods and wanting to get a dog), I'm not sure how to find out how much I can afford for rent. I've been told to take my either net or gross income for a month and subtract my bills, etc. for a month from it.
Apartment LivingIf you are able to choose, (and physically able) get an apartment higher than the main floor. This works well for me for two reasons. 1) I have barely had to turn up my heat this winter, my thermostat is set at 50 and my home is usually over 70...