Tips and ideas about saving time and money when taking out or paying for student loans.
Paying Off High Interest Student Loans?It is important to pay off high interest loans as quickly as possible. In some cases, you may be able to consolidate student loans for a lower rate. This is a page about paying off high interest student loans.
Advice About a Student Loan in DefaultStudent loans can be very expensive and take a long time to pay off. It is not uncommon for these loans to go into default. This is a page about advice about a student loan in default.
Getting Student Loans Forgiven if DisabledIf you become disabled after accumulating student loans, and are now unable to repay them, you might be able to have them forgiven. This is a page about getting student loans forgiven if disabled.
What Happens if You Can't Pay Back Your Student Loans?Depending on the reason you can not repay your loan, there are several possible outcomes. Unpaid loans can result in garnishment of tax refunds and other types of income. This is a page about, "What happens if you cannot pay back your student loans?".
Defaulting on Student LoansThis is a page about defaulting on student loans. Defaulting on your student loan can have detrimental effects on your future credit standing.
Consolidating Student LoansThis is a page about consolidating student loans. Sometimes consolidating loans can help lower payments making it easier to repay them.
Paying for College?This page is about paying for college. The cost of a college education keeps going up. With planning you can determine the best way to afford the education you need.
Getting a Student Loan?This is a page about getting a student loan. For many students the only way they can afford the high cost of education is to get a loan.
Paying Off Debt from CollegeThis page is about paying off debt from college. Education is getting more and more expensive. Student loans, credit cards and other debt accumulated while going to school can be an unnecessary burden to the student later in life.
Co-Signer of a Student Loan?My husband co-signed student loans (private) for his daughter. She is getting married soon. Will we be able to get off the co-signing once she is married?
Student Loan Advice?I've been out of school since September 2009. Is it too late to get my student loans deferred?
Federal Direct Student LoansThe idea of the college loan is that tuition is covered while studying, and most loans only ask for repayment after graduation. For some loans, interest isn't calculated until repayment begins, again often after graduation.
College Grant Advice?Are there any grants or scholarship available for those high school students applying for college who don't qualify under financial need criteria?
Student Loan Consolidation Scam?I had a substantial amount in student loans, but upon graduation I could not find a job and another one was too low to even cover my expenses. 3 years ago, I had an opportunity to pay back some of the loans and contacted the servicing agent that was on my credit report, and settled out with hemar, the servicing agency.
Help Paying Back Student Loans?What can happen to me if I cannot pay all my students loans off at one time? I did not find a job after college and I am looking everyday. I babysit and I am paying on two loans now and my mother is paying on one for me and my aunt is paying on one for me.
What happens if you cannot pay back your student loans?I'm disabled and returning to school, but I am afraid to take out any student loans. eventhough I could really use them, because I don't know if my health will hold out long enough for me to get my degree or for me to work long enough to pay them off.
Defaulting on Student Loans?I have around $80,000 of unpaid student loans, in default. Can I be sent to jail for not paying this amount? How many years in jail for such action?
Two Lenders Claim to Own One Student Loan?I have 2 companies claiming to have consolidated the same student loans. Both want payment starting in July. Upon contact both say to contact the other company and tell the they do not own the loan. How do I fix this?
Getting a Student Loan When on Disability?What do you do when nobody will give you a student loan without a co-signer. I live on disability and am trying to go back to school. I need a loan to pay for out of pocket expenses.
Advice About a Student Loan in Default?I am a single mother who was out of work for a while and the cosigners to my student loan paid about $2,000 during that time. I am now working and sent out a payment to them, but they wanted me to sign a confession of judgment.