Free Summer SchoolworkIt's great to keep kids focused on school during the summer, but don't pay to do it when there are great free resources out there. Over the course of ten weeks of summer vacation, children can forget math facts, phonics, and writing skills.
Busting the Money Myths Your Mother Told YouSometimes it's okay not to listen to your mother. You can wear white any time of the year and leaving your air conditioner running when you're not home doesn't save money.
Broken Dishes Become New TreasuresCrash! There goes another broken dish, making your service for eight into service for five. While there's plenty of reasons to be upset at this moment, there's no reason to waste money.
Salt of the LandWhen it comes to one product with the most household uses, vinegar makes a nice showing but table salt comes out on top. From cooking to cleaning, there's a large list of uses for the cheaply priced mineral. It's no wonder wars broke out because of it.