Please Help Find Lost Childhood Plush?When I was around 6 years old, my late granddad gave me a stuffed panda. I cherished that panda and it was the only thing I had left of him. For personal reasons, this panda is no longer in my possession. For the past 5 years since I lost this plush, I have been restless. It is 4 in the morning and I haven't slept. I know this panda is irreplaceable, but nothing in the entire world could make me happier than seeing this plush just one more time, even if it's just a photo. I need closure. I remember the basic look of the panda, so I drew it digitally in the picture above. It is the most I remember of the panda and the best reference I can give. I remember it having plastic, oval shaped eyes. I also know that it is probably really old, and that it had an earth symbol in the middle. I don't know for sure if the earth was in color, but it's possible. The squiggly lines on the top and bottom of the symbol are the words that I remember being there. If only I could remember what they said, what the company was. Please, can you help find this panda? I have been searching for years but have had no luck. Maybe you will, because this is my last resort. I am hoping against hope that someone out there can help.