Helpful study tips and advice for college students.
College Study Tips and TricksStudying for tests in your college courses can be made easier if you look at how you learn. One simple tip is to rewrite your lecture notes so that they are more clear. The process of rewriting them is helpful for students who learn by writing. Having a classmate quiz you can also be helpful. This is a page about college study tips and tricks.
Tips for Studying a Foreign LanguageThis page contains tips for studying a foreign language. When learning a new language, having to listen, speak and write in it can help you retain what you learn.
Tips for Doing College HomeworkFinding the best time to keep up on your studies is important when completing your education. This page contains tips for doing college homework.
Gauge Your New ProfessorWhen taking a course with a new professor try to gage how he will do his testing. Does he focus on classroom discussion, reading, obscure references? What will you have to know on test day? For the first test be prepared for anything. Study hard and know the material inside and out.