This page contains information and tips and about cooking conversions.
Converting Dry Macaroni Measurements?Some recipes call for a certain number of ounces of pasta, instead of the number of cups. It is important to be able to convert back and forth from ounces to cups properly, so that the recipe is made correctly. This is a page about how to convert dry macaroni measurements.
Substituting Bouillon Cubes with Bouillon Granules?This is a page about substituting bouillon cubes with bouillon granules. Bouillon granules can easily be substituted for the cubes in a recipe, you just need to have the conversion information.
Converting Two Pounds of Potatoes to Cups?If you are cutting up potatoes for a recipe you will most likely need to measure them in cups. This is a page about converting two pounds of potatoes to cups.
How Much Margarine is a Stick?Most sticks of margarine are the same size. Typically they are equal to 8 tablespoons or 1/2 cup. This is a page about How much margarine is a stick?.
How Many Ounces is a No. 303 Can?I have an old recipe that calls for a NO. 303 can of fruit cocktail. What size can would that be in ounces? It is used in a great recipe for a fruit cocktail cake that is very moist. Thanks for any help on this.
How Many Cups Of Chicken Meat On A Whole Chicken?Does anyone know the equivalent measurement for how many cups of chicken meat you can get from stewing/poaching an average size (3 to 4 lb.) chicken?
Measuring Soft Butter?I only have soft butter and need to know how much is 1 stick?
How Much Is a Stick of Butter?In the U.S. a stick of butter is typically equal to 1/4 lb = 8 Tablespoons = 4 ounces = 1/2 cup = 113 grams.
Marshmallow Cream ConversionsSometimes, a recipe calls for marshmallows but you only have access to marshmallow cream. This is a page about marshmallow cream conversions.
Converting Mililiters to Cups?How much is 5ml of eggs used in double chocolate cake?
How Many Cups of Flour in a Pound?When converting dry flour measurements from pounds to cups, keep in mind that there are approximately 4 cups per pound. This is a page about, "How many cups of flour in a pound?".
Making Dinner Rolls from Dry Restaurant Mix?I recently purchased a ten pound dinner roll mix. from a local freight retailer. The use by date has not expired. My problem is I don't know how to use the mix. What do I use to prepare the rolls, yeast, water, eggs?
Standard/Metric Conversions for RecipesThis page is about standard/metric conversion for recipes. There are times when you need to change your cooking measurement units.
Converting the Size of a Recipe?This is a page about converting the size of a recipe. On occasion you may want to either increase or decrease the yield on a recipe.
How Many Tablespoons in a Stick of Butter?There are 8 tablespoons in a standard stick of butter. Check the cube wrapper for lines which you can use to cut the butter into as many tablespoons as you need.
Converting From Cubic Centimeters to Milliliters?I am feeding an orphaned kitten and I need to know how many cubic centimeters of formula equals 16 ml?
Butter Conversion for Europe?As I live in the U.K our weighing measurements are different. Could anyone tell me what a stick of butter is or weighs? Many thanks.
Number of Dry Measure Cups in a Pound?How many cups are in a pound of brown sugar?
Cup Measurement Equivalents?What is the measurement in weight/liquid of the amount of ingredients in a cup?
Measuring for a Coffee Maker?What do I use to measure water for my coffee. 4 cups of water in a measuring cup is not the same as 4 cups in my carafe. How do you measure? Thanks
English Version of Graham Crackers?What are the English version of Graham Crackers?
How much flour is a "cup"?How much flour is a "cup"? In ounces or grams (both are what my scales measure in) would be most helpful.
Equivalent Measurements In CookingA table of measurements to help with conversions in cooking.
Using Restaurant Size Dry Mixes In Smaller Batches?I have tried several of the recipes that are in the recipe newsletter. My question is the following, a family member had a small restaurant for a few years and due to a family illness she had to close her restaurant. There were several large packages of mixes that she used, for example: pancake mixes, biscuits, etc. These are restaurant size bags. How can I cut them down to use for a family of four?
Conversion Help?A recipe I have calls for 100g/4oz of flour and 50g/2oz of butter.. How much flour and butter is that?
Citrus Fruit Juice Equivalencies?I've read recipes that have said things such as:
Converting Bouillon Cubes to Granules?How many cubes in 2-1/2 teaspoons of beef bouillon granules?
Conversions from Dry Grams of Pasta to Cups Cooked?500gr of macaroni is equal to how many cups of cooked macaroni?
Conversion for Large Elbow Macaroni?I have a recipe that calls for 1 lb of large elbow macaroni. I could only find a 24 oz pkg. how many cups do I use for 1 lb? I measured the 24oz. and it's 7 cups.
Measuring Butter?How many tablespoons of butter in a pound?
Measuring Dry Macaroni?I need to make 2 lbs of pasta. So am I correct to say that's three 12 ounce boxes?
Cooked Weight of Elbow Macaroni?How much does 1 lb (455g) of dry elbow macaroni weigh when cooked (wet) in grams?