Fleas in Human Hair?I purchased a house in January and inherited a flea infestation with the house from dogs of previous tenants. I have no pets. The fleas have also been living on me in my hair for the last 2 months. I have had the house fumigated 3 times with a 4th next week. I have greatly reduced the fleas in my hair using everything from Hedrin, Scabbies cream, apple cider vinegar, mayonnaise, olive oil, essential oils, tea tree oil, bi carb of soda, salt by washing my hair in the bath twice a day for the last 10 weeks, washing bedding and clothes every single day and still they live. The medics don't believe me and think I am delusional. Can anyone who has experienced similar offer any further suggestions or advice on eradicating permanently from your hair? Many thanks in advance.