This page contains tips and money saving advice for taking care of your feet.
Use A Hand Sander On Your FeetThis is a beauty tip for taking care of your feet while avoiding the expense. Getting dead skin off your feet is difficult but those aids you buy simply don't do the job.
Getting Your Feet Ready for Sandals?When the weather finally warms up you are ready to don a pair of sandals, but are your feet ready? This is a page about getting your feet ready for sandals.
Thrifty Foot PamperingIt doesn't cost very much to pamper yourself. I soak my feet in Epsom salt which cost $1.00 at the Dollar Tree. Then I bought some dollar polish and painted my toes. Also I use petroleum jelly on my feet at night before I go to bed and put socks on.
Softening Feet With Olive OilDon't waste money on high priced pedicures and lotions! Rub a small amount of extra virgin olive oil on your feet and around your cuticles of your toes, and put on cotton socks at night.
Remedies For Stinky Feet?My feet stink even after a shower, scrub, and massage, nothing helps?
Remedy for Stinky Feet?After I take my shoes off my feet and shoes smell awful. It stinks up the whole house. What can I do?
Getting Rid of Calluses on My Feet?I have calluses a half inch thick on the bottom of both my feet, the whole bottom of my foot is covered with it. How can I get them to go away without cutting them off with a knife, like I've been doing?
What is the Best Way to Remove Callouses?Is there a way to permanently remove callouses? Also is it better to use a pumice stone or shave them?
Remedy for Stinky Feet?My feet will stink at work even though I change shoes every day. They stink more with my shoes on and most of the time my shoes and socks don't stink at the end of the day. I suspect it is an internal problem. What can I do?
Keeping Feet Soft and Callous Free?My friend told me she keeps her feet soft and callous free by rubbing them lightly with a kitchen sponge before she gets out of the shower. She advised a cheap kitchen sponge can do the same as a foot file or pumice stone. Would you agree?