Thanksgiving tips, crafts, traditions, recipes and advice. Save money on shopping, decorating and celebrating this autumn harvest celebration.
Cranberry Sauce Made From Dried CranberriesThis was a very easy way to make cranberry sauce. I used 2 cups of dried cranberries and 1 cup of water. I did not add any extra sugar and it was fine without it.
Thanksgiving Dressing RecipesI am not a good cook but I love Thanksgiving dressing. I would like to request a recipe for what I believe is called cornbread dressing.
Thanksgiving Side DishesThanksgiving is not just about the turkey, favorite family side dishes are anticipated from year to year. As families blend, new dishes are added or substituted for old but some are nearly always included on the Thanksgiving table, like mashed potatoes, candied yams and stuffing.
Thanksgiving Recipes for KidsThanksgiving is one of those food centric holidays, perhaps even more so since historically is has been celebrated to commemorate a meal shared with the Native Americans. There are many recipes that children can make for the holiday. This page contains Thanksgiving recipes for kids.
Thanksgiving RecipesEven if it is not your first time preparing a Thanksgiving meal, you may be looking for new or traditional recipes. This page contains Thanksgiving recipes.
Making Acorn CookiesThis is a page about making acorn cookies. These cute little candy and cookie treats are fun to make and eat.