This page contains information and photos of beneficial garden insects including: bees, lady bugs, and praying mantises to name a few.
Difference Between Honey Bees and Carpenter Bees?This is a page about the difference between honey bees and carpenter bees. While they do look similar, there are some distinct traits that can help you tell them apart. Once significant difference is that carpenter bees nest in wood and the male bees do not have stingers, while honey bees are social and build nests together. Carpenter bees tend to be less aggressive as well.
Best Flowers to Attract Wild BeesWild bees will be most attracted to a garden space that mimics their natural habitat and provides an abundance of food. Interplant local varieties that flower at different times throughout the year to ensure a continuous nectar supply for bees and other pollinators.
Monologue Of A Killer WaspThe killer wasp is considered a beneficial insect in that it helps to control the cicada population thereby reducing the damage done to deciduous trees. Read on for an informative and original wasp monologue imagined by the author.