Tips and advice about pruning the shrubs in your garden.
Pruning a Rhododendron?This is a page about pruning a rhododendron. Like many flowering shrubs, care must be taken when pruning a rhododendron so as not to remove next season's buds.
Best Time to Prune Flowering ShrubsThis is a page about the best time to prune flowering shrubs. Flowering shrubs like azaleas, lilacs, butterfly bush, hydrangea, and many more can provide beauty for years to come, but look best if they are pruned at the right time.
Cleaning Up After Trimming BushesThis page is about cleaning up after trimming bushes. Keeping your shrub prunings controlled can make tidying up faster and much easier.
Pruning a Forsythia Hedge?This page is about pruning a forsythia hedge. A hardy, perennial shrub that with proper pruning produces an abundance of yellow flowers in the spring.
Pruning HydrangeasThis is a page about pruning hydrangeas. As with many plants timing is important when pruning, especially with flowering plants.
Pruning Camellias?When should I prune my spring flowering camellias? Thanks.
Pruning a Scheflera Shrub?How do I prune a scheflera that is not a dwarf?
Pruning Potentillas?I have Potentillas growing up both sides of my laneway and I would like to know, if you can prune Potentillas.
Pruning a Lilac?How and when should I prune my old fashioned lilac? It is maybe 10 years old or more. I don't think it has ever been pruned. It blooms on the south side of the bush. This year the blooms are very small.
Pruning a Butterfly Bush After Transplanting?I just transplanted a butterfly bush that was about 2 years old. I didn't read until today that I should have pruned it back before I transplanted it. Is is too late for me to do it now?
Pruning a Burning Bush?Can I trim a burning bush after the leaves fall and before winter sets in? We live in New York state.
Pruning Spirea?When is the best time to trim my pink spirea, fall or spring?
Pruning a Rhododendron Bush?What is the proper technique to prune a rhododendron bush?
Trimmed Edges of Evergreen Bushes Turned Brown?I recently had several evergreen bushes trimmed by a landscaper and a day or so later all of the edges turned brown. What caused this?